Special Assemblies with Andrew Watson

Andrew Watson, whose talks offer strategies for studying and teaching, returns to the Williston Northampton School this week for special sessions with the faculty and students.

In his presentations, Mr. Watson, of Translate the Brain, combines news about modern neurological studies with tips on how that information can translate into practical, every day applications.

Last November, Mr. Watson was warmly received when he spoke at the Upper School assembly. In his talk, “How to Study Less and Learn More,” Mr. Watson had students play a numbers game with a surprisingly easy solution. He then offered similarly straightforward ways for students to get better grades while doing less work, such as ways to learn, forget, and relearn the material; focus on the task at hand; and get enough sleep.

“Different kinds of sleep support different kinds of memory,” he said at the time. “Sleep is homework.”

He will give a similar talk to Upper School students on Friday, September 25 at the 8:30 a.m. assembly.

At the all-faculty meeting the night before, Mr. Watson will speak about motivation with an emphasis on stereotype threat. Mr. Watson’s presentation will include references to the work of Carol Dweck, professor of psychology at Columbia University, who’s work focuses on the role of motivation in education.

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