YouthFilms to Showcase Work of Four

Four students will have their films screened at a showcase of young filmmakers in Northampton this weekend.

Jilly Lim, Cade Zawacki, Alex Kozikowski, and Charles Frank all had work accepted by YouthFilm 2013, which will take place at the Academic of Music Theatre on Saturday.

In congratulatory letters to the students, the festival’s review panel described the various films as “really well made,” “funny,” “original,” “captivating,” and “professional.”

The reviewers described Ms. Lim’s film, The Guilt, as having an “amazing story, great camera angles, you’re not afraid to move the camera around…The story hits home.”

Boom Guy 2.0 by Mr. Zawacki was described as  “funny, clever, original idea…That last scene with Ed is great, the cherry on top!”

Mr. Kozikowski’s Three Short Pieces earned praise for having excellent camerawork with “slow, short pans, the low angles, everything is really captivating and flows smoothly. The light is really nice as well. An excellent film!”

The review panel also accepted two of Mr. Frank’s films, Breezeless and Listen, which they described as “a notch above the rest.  Camera work…lighting, colors, editing, all worked so well together and told such great visual stories. And great performances, too! A really professional job.”

YouthFilm 2013 will be held Saturday, February 23, from 12 to 3 pm at the Academy of Music Theatre in Northampton.

One thought on “YouthFilms to Showcase Work of Four”

  1. Congratulations! My film Hidden Powers got last year and Saving the Sea a film I made with my friend over the summer got in this year to! Hope to see you there! 🙂

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