Writing Center Thank Yous

Hi Everyone…As the year draws to a close, I wanted to acknowledge the hard work done by our Writing Center tutors this year.  These students happily volunteer their time to be a part of your growth as writers; please extend a “thank you” when you see them, particularly if they are graduating!

Alex Cervone
Grant Cohen
Kevin Conroy
Pankti Dalal
Lizzie De Ubl
Alex Garcia
Devon Greenwood
Brian Hendery
Emma Hing
Evan Jacobson
Kat Kaisla
Hannah Lewis
Christie Valine

Mr. Kudla
Ms. Vezina
Mr. Miller

A special “thank you” to Ms. Hume, who will be leaving her post in the Writing Center to work full-time in the Fine Arts Department.  We have appreciated her calm and practical approach to hundreds of students and their writing since the founding of the Writing Center in 2005!  Happy Trails, Ms. Hume!

Have a great summer!
Ms. Sawyer

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