Field Trip to Classics Day on Jan. 17

Williston students will be traveling to Mt. Holyoke College on Friday, January 17 for an all-day regional high school Latin event. The annual event, known as Classics Day, is optional for students in all levels of Latin.

Best of luck to the following Upper and Middle School students, who will be attending Classics Day: Jen Cavazuti, Nick Hill, Henning Fischel, Sima Gandevia, Yoonji Kim, Ryan King, Kelby Reid, Josh Simpson, Evan Stark, Chase Tanguay, Molly Zawacki, Mason Chiulli, Gabe Moon, Jessie Schuhlen, Jaden Tanguay, Ryan Dwyer, Dora Gordon, Ben Griffiths, Theo King, Benson Luddy-Dunn, Orlee Marini-Rapoport, DJ Poulin, and Molly Solan. Teachers Emily Vezina and Beatrice Cody will oversee the trip.

Read about a previous Classics Day event or see the photos from last year.

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