Writing Center Online Sign-up Link

Hi all,

The online link for the Writing Center is now working and is included below.  Remember two important things:

1. Most of the time, there is no need to sign up for an appointment:  we would love to see you drop by any time!  Some weeks of the trimester are, of course, busier than others, and during those times it would be a good idea to sign up early.  If you are busy, everyone else is too.  (I did not include the daily hours this trimester because students only seem to use the online sign-ups for study hall.  Please let me know if you would like me to add the daily hours; I would be happy to do so.)

2. Please do not overuse the online sign up.  Even if you think you need to visit five times in one week, you may only sign up for one session/night or two/week.  Use your time during the day wisely and be considerate of others who may want to make use of the Writing Center!

Here is the link:


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