It’s Cold Season Again! Here are Some Helpful Tips

Dear Williston,

Here in New England we are in the height of cold and flu season. Many of us are getting hit with the big bad bug and feeling quite under the weather. Here at Health and Wellness Services, we’re seeing another sudden increase in sick visits.

We encourage you all to get extra rest, eat well-balanced, nutritious meals, and drink plenty of fluids. Typical cold and flu viruses last about 10 days with days 3-6 being the worst.

The more tired or dehydrated you are, the more vulnerable you will be to becoming ill. Our goal is to keep you healthy. ‘Tis the season to finish the trimester and ring in the winter break healthy and joyously, not under the covers feeling sick!

The single most important thing you can do to remain healthy is to follow this advice and WASH YOUR HANDS with warm water and soap very frequently.

If you are coughing, sniffling, sneezing, cough or sneeze into your elbow or shoulder, not your hands.

If your stomach is upset, remember that the more you eat or drink, and the faster your eat or drink, you are more likely to vomit.

Please contact our office if we can be of any assistance.

Yours in good health,
Nurse KB

Kerry-Beth A. Garvey, MS, RN, CNL
Director, Health and Wellness Services

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