13th Annual Muji Muhammad 3-on-3 Basketball Tournament on Feb. 28

The 13th Annual Muji Muhammad 3-on-3 Basketball Tournament will be held on Friday afternoon, February 28, at the Athletic Center. The following is information about the tournament, about signing up for the tournament, and about Muji 13 t-shirts.

The Muji 3-on-3 tournament is open to all in the Williston community.  The rules are: three players on a team; team must be co-ed; no more than one varsity basketball player per team (male or female); no more than one faculty or staff member per team.  It is a single elimination tournament (seeding is done by a “secret” committee).  Games are played to 11, “straight up,” with alternating possessions.  Volunteer referees will referee the games.

Students and faculty can sign up by Matt Sawyer an email with the team members and team name by Tuesday, February 25 at 10:00 p.m.

Students and faculty who would like to buy a Muji 13 t-shirt can either email Matt Sawyer with the color and size or stop by my office on the English floor (#36) during a free period.  Mr. Sawyer will have different sizes of shirts there to try on.

Please order your shirt between now and Monday, February 17.  Cost is $10 per shirt, and you can pay cash or with your card when you receive your shirt. You can order a royal blue shirt with gold writing or a gold shirt with royal blue writing. Any profit will go towards supporting this year’s baseball trip to Florida. You do not have to order one a tee-shirt to play in the tournament, and you can order one and not play in the tournament.

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