Final Call for Janus Submissions

​The deadline for submissions is the end of the day on Wednesday, MAY 14. If you have any poetry, prose, photography, paintings, drawings, songs, short films, or any other kind of artistic work that you would like to have featured in the magazine, please attach the work as an attachment to an email and send it to

The deadline date was incorrect in a previous email. We apologize for this horrible, horrible mistake. We have written a short poem in order to express our feelings of sorrow for this grievous error. We hope you enjoy, and we pray that you still will send us your work.

By Henry Lombino

It is late.
The clattering letters ring through the house
as I smith this memo.

I choose my words with care,
molding each one into it’s line
so they are smooth to the ear

I add color to my work,
italics, and bold
in order to embellish my design.

and so I hit the send button
and let my messages set sail into the void.
I smile, satisfied,
not knowing what I have done.

The next morning,
I stare into the screen, uncomprehending.
My morning tea shakes in my hand.

How could this have happened,
I whisper to myself again and again
as I quickly pounce on the keys
wondering how I will fix this.

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