Spring Afternoon Program Dinners on May 20

Celebrate your spring season on Tuesday, May 20 from 4:30-6:30 p.m.! The Dining Hall will be officially closed to help provide dinners for everyone. Many thanks go out to Mr. Martin and his staff for their help. Congratulations on all of your achievements. We are so proud of you for representing the green and blue with purpose, passion, and integrity!

Ms. Brousseau

Group/Team                 Location

Art & Music Intensive             Reed 207

V Baseball                               Court 1/Grass field next to Sawyer Field

JV Baseball                              Ford Hall Common Room

Crew                                        Dining Hall (see coach for more details)

Dance                                      Dance Studio

Equipment Room Asst.            The Cage

Fitness                                     Athletic Center Lobby

B V Golf                                  Coach Fay’s Home

B JV Golf                                Athletic Center Terrace

G V Golf                                 Off Campus

G JV Golf                                Scott Hall 3rd Floor

Judo                                         Scott Hall Room 10

B V Lacrosse                           Dining Hall (see coach for more details)

B JV Lacrosse                          Cox Room

G V Lacrosse                           Coach Fulcher’s Home

G JV Lacrosse                         Coach Baldwin’s Home

G 3rds Lacrosse                       Coach Sawyer’s Home

Riding                                      Reed Lounge (room off of Athletic Center Lobby)

V Softball                                Mem West- outside

Tech Theater                            Studio Theater

B V Tennis                              Off Campus

B JV Tennis                             Reed Center Back Patio/Terrace off of Stu-Bop

G V Tennis                              PA Room (next to Dining Hall)

G JV Tennis                             JW Common Room

Track & Field                          Whitaker-Bement Upstairs

Ultimate Frisbee                       Hathaway Common Room

G V Water Polo                       Coach Berghoff’s Home

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