Help Security Keep the Loop Vehicle Free

A friendly reminder from the Security Office that there is no parking on the main campus loop road (per the Employee and Student Handbook). Please keep in mind the following information:

1.       For several reasons, including safety, we would like to keep the main campus loop road clear of parked vehicles.  The only exceptions to parking on the main campus loop road are parents dropping off/picking up students, Admission guests, short-term service vehicles (per the Physical Plant), food deliveries and major events.

2.       ALL employees and students must have a valid, visible parking sticker on their vehicle(s).  Staff may register their vehicles with Barbara Shepard, the Physical Plant Administrative Assistant.  Students must register their vehicle(s) with the Dean’s Office.  If there have been any changes to your vehicle(s) you must let the issuing party know of the changes.

3.       Please be mindful of parking near fire hydrants on campus, two of which are on the main campus loop road.  Massachusetts law states that vehicles shall not be parked within 10 feet of a fire hydrant.

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