Modified Schedule Feb. 2-5

Next week is a short blue week that leads us into our mid-winter break.  Two of the days will have a modified schedule and I want to be sure everyone is clear on what we are doing.

The most exciting day, Monday, we are very fortunate to be welcoming the world renown Yale Whiffenpoofs, who will be performing at an all-school assembly in the Chapel.  This will necessitate a schedule adjustment for the day.  Class periods will be reduced by 5 minutes each with the remainder of the time we need gathered by shortening the overall time for our afternoon program.  The new schedule for that day is below.

Monday, February 2, 2015 (modified BLUE Monday)

8:30 – 9:30                         All School Assembly in Chapel with Whiffenpoofs
9:40 – 10:35                       Period D
10:45 – 11:40                     Period F
11:50 – 12:45                     Period C1
12:15 – 1:10                       Period C2
1:20 – 2:15                         Period B
2:25 – 3:20                         Period E (no extra AP or labs time today)

Afternoon program begins at 4:00 (specific schedule to be determined by Mr. Grant)

The second different schedule will be on Thursday, a short day heading into our mid-winter break.  The order of the periods has been adjusted from a normal Thursday to help facilitate the College Counseling program for juniors, who will miss Period E to attend that program.  Mr. Cheney will share more about that early next week.

Thursday, February 5, 2015 – Midwinter Break begins (shortened and adjusted BLUE Thursday)
8:30 – 9:05                       Period F
9:15 – 9:50                       Period C
10:00 – 10:35                   Period B
10:45 – 11:20                   Period G
11:30 – 12:05                   Period E

Thank you for your attention to these details as we try to fit everything into an exciting and busy schedule.

Mr. Ketcham

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