1st Annual Williston Chess Tournament Information

Dear Williston Community,

The 1st Annual Williston Chess Tournament (WCT) will be held from Thursday afternoon, April 23 to Saturday afternoon, April 25 in the Cox Room.  It will be a fun community event, new tradition, and I hope that many of you will participate this year.  The following is information about the tournament, about signing up for the tournament, and about rating system that will be introduced to Chess Club (Club).

1.      WCT is open to all in the Williston community, including students and faculty. Here are the rules for participants: It is a single elimination tournament. Twenty-minutes are given to each players during a game. Seeding is done by Club leaders. Co-Presidents and advisor of the Chess Club will referee the games. WCT follows Laws of Chess by Fédération internationale des échecs (FIDE) or World Chess Federation unless otherwise indicated above. Laws of Chess

2.      Sign up by sending me (smhong@williston.com) an email with your name and grade for students, name and department for teachers by Wednesday, April 22nd at 10:30 pm. By sending me an email, you will automatically be a member of the Club. The Club leaders will arrange a rendezvous at a secret time and location on Thursday the 23rd  to make up the bracket and will unveil the bracket via email to the Williston community on Thursday 23rd . If you are already a member of the Club, you are strongly encouraged to participate; declare your intention to me via email

3.      The Chess Club will introduce ELO Rating System; 1st Annual WCT will be an opportunity for participants/members to show their skills and abilities. Results in the 1st Annual WCT will determine your starting ratings. Below is the chart:


1st Annual WCT Results



1st Place

Grand Master

1900 ~

2nd,3rd Place


1700 ~ 1899

4th, 5th, 6th Place

Class A

1600 ~ 1699

7th, 8th, 9th, 10th Place

Class B

1500 ~ 1599

11th, 12th, 13th, 14th Place

Class C

1400 ~ 1499



1200 ~ 1399

Class A ~ C may change depends on the results.


1st, 2nd, 3rd places of the 1st Annual WCT will receive trophies during an Assembly.

Please let me know if you have any questions. 

All My Best,

Danny Hong

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