Spring Afternoon Program Dinner

Celebrate with your afternoon program on Tuesday, May 19, from 4:30-6:30 p.m.

Your coach and faculty member will remind you today at Closure Day, but for the sake of carpools and planning, here is your location below:

Have a great night!

Team and Group                   Location

Art & Music Intensive            Reed 207

V Baseball                              Grass field behind Athletic Center/Court 1

JV Baseball                             Ford Hall Common Room

Cage Asst/Dept Photo Cage

Crew                                       Scott Hall 3rd Floor

Dance                                      Dance Studio

Fitness/A.P.                             Athletic Center Lobby

B V Golf                                 Coach Fay’s home

B JV Golf                                Coach Whipple’s home/Reed Lounge

G V Golf                                 Homestead/Admission – Off Campus

G JV Golf                               Stu-Bop Terrace outside/Reed Center Lounge

B V Lacrosse                          Coach Dietrich’s home

B JV Lacrosse                         Cox Room

G V Lacrosse                          Quad behind Coach Fulcher’s home/194 Common Room

G JV Lacrosse                         JW Common Room

G 3rd Lacrosse                         Coach Sawyer’s home

Riding                                      Ray Brown Room (small room in Athletic Center)

V Softball                               Mem West quad area/Common room

Tech Theater                          Studio Theater

B V Tennis                              Off Campus

B JV Tennis                            Chapel Room 510

G V Tennis                             PA Room

G JV Tennis                            Coach Choo’s home

Track & Field                         Whitaker-Bement (WB)

Ultimate                                  Logan Common Room

G V Water Polo                      Coach Berghoff’s home

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