Save a Life: Williston’s Blood Drive

Hi Williston!

Welcome back from what we hope was a restful and much-needed long weekend! 

Did you know that one pint of blood can save up to three lives?  Or that 41,000 blood donations are needed every day?  Every two seconds someone in the United States needs blood and we can help. 

On Friday, November 13th, Williston will be hosting a Red Cross Blood Drive. 

If you are 16 or older, this is an opportunity for you to be a part of saving someone’s life.  Starting this Thursday, October 29th, there will be sign-ups at lunch to donate blood.  If you are 16, you can sign up after filling out a parental permission form.  If you are 17 or older you can sign up without delay!  Let’s work together to make an impact. Thank you so much!

-Williston’s Community Service Club

P.S.  If you are unable to donate blood, we are also looking for volunteers to help out on the day of the Blood Drive!

The facts in this email were obtained from the American Red Cross website, if you would like to learn more, please look at the link below.

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