

Today is the official start of Movember. It will be a month where some of our very own start to sport mustaches to help raise awareness for men’s health. Those who cannot grow will be supporting in other ways. Such as, challenging themselves to be active every day of Movember or donating to the cause.

If you see a gentlemen, or Mobro as we call them, with a mustache ask him why he is doing it. If you see a Mobro or Mosista who is not ask them why they are supporting. Not all of us may be able to grow a mustache, but all have reasons why they are supporting the cause.

Please spread our message and help us change the face of men’s health. Follow the link below and tell your friends and family to as well.

Our team has already raised $1,265 and it is only the FIRST day! Help us keep the ball rolling.

Additionally, it is never too late to join the movement. If you can grow or not, all are welcome.

Thank you to those who are supporting our team. Good luck to those who are growing.

Mr. Rivenburgh

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