Movember Update

Hey Williston,

Just here to give you a friendly update on the efforts of those of us who are participating in Movember.

Here is where our Williston team stands. In only two short weeks we have raised a collective $1,915! That is awesome! The whole team and our supporters would like to thank everyone who has donated or asked us about our mustaches. Every contribution and conversation helps us immeasurably.

A quick recap of what we are doing: As a group (anyone is still welcome to join in. It is never too late) we are growing mustaches or challenging ourselves to be active all the days of November. We do this in order to start conversations about men’s health, specifically prostate cancer and mental health. Sometimes are mustaches are not the most beautiful, but they represent something that is important to all of us. If you see one of your teachers, friends, classmates or anyone with a mustache ask them about why they are growing it. It will be a fun conversation and will be about some pretty important stuff.

If you would like to donate please follow the link below to our team’s page. (You do not need to be a hockey player to join us. EVERYONE is welcome!)

Again, thank you to all who have donated and all who have supported us in other ways. It is all greatly appreciated.

Thank you and grow on,

Mr. Rivenburgh
Mr. Cunha

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