Food Drive Collection Results

Hi Williston!

Yesterday the Community Service Club went on an adventure to empty the Food Drive collection boxes from the first round of donations.  That means that today the first round of results are in!

Drum roll please….

Leading the way is the Middle School with a total of 47 donations!

Second is the Junior Class with 19 donations!

Following close behind is the Senior Class with 10 donations!

And right behind them is the Faculty/Staff team with eight donations!

The Sophomore Class is holding a steady fifth with two donations!

And the Freshman Class, with no donations, fills the final slot!

Now as a community that gives us 86 donations which is still a ways off from our goal of 500.

Our next checkpoint collection is on Friday, how much further can we get?

The challenge is on Williston, which team will win the dress down day, and more importantly, how much of an impact can our community make with this food drive?

The answers are up to you!

Best of luck and have a great week!
The Community Service Club and Student Council

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