Jan. 18-22 is No Name-Calling Week

Thousands of Educators and Students to “Celebrate Kindness” as Part of GLSEN’s No Name-Calling Week

Launched in 2004, GLSEN’s No Name-Calling Week invites educators and students across the country to engage in dialogue about eliminating name-calling and bullying in their communities. Inspired by The Misfits, a young-adult novel about four friends who campaign for student government on a “no name-calling” platform, the program is part of GLSEN’s efforts to create safe and affirming schools for all K-12 students.

GLSEN, alongside over 60 partner organizations, provides materials and tools for educators to incorporate the theme of “Celebrate Kindness” into their classrooms. Over 13,000 educators have signed on since the program’s founding.

In addition to providing planning guides, lesson plans, and ideas for activities for educators, GLSEN organizes a Creative Expression Exhibit where individuals, schools, and groups can share their efforts and inspire others through poems, stories, essays, drawings, collages, sculptures, songs, videos and more.

For more information about GLSEN’s No Name-Calling Week, please visit http://www.glsen.org/nncw.




Matt Spearing
Director of Student Activities

Director of Inclusion

10th Grade Dean

Science, Coach, Dorm Head

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