A Tale of Lemonade and the Boys from Clare

A picture of kindergartener Stella’s sign

“My girls and a friend from school had a little lemonade stand outside our house on Sunday afternoon. Their friend’s mom [Jessica Spanknebel] recently suffered a ruptured brain aneurysm, and they started a “Reading for Recovery” fundraiser at their school.  They wanted to sell lemonade to raise a bit more.  It’s a tough street for a lemonade stand, especially on a cloudy day—no takers. That was until our fabulous Clare boys and their friends from other dorms bought cup after cup lemonade (at 10 cents a cup), and helped the girls raise nearly $8 that afternoon.  (The girls’ efforts on the literacy fundraiser topped $2,000.)  The boys drank lemonade, sat, and chatted with the girls.  It was another example of the character around here—it meant the world to all three girls!”

-Sue Michalski, language teacher and Clare dorm head

Find out more about the Reading for Recovery effort on Facebook and GoFundMe.


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