AP U.S. History Placement Test Thursday at 3:10

All students interested in taking AP U.S. History next year that have not been exempted due to their performance in AP European History are required to take a placement test on Thursday, May 22 at 3:10 in Reed 204.  The test will require students to write an essay on a topic after reading several documents. No advance preparation is required or expected to take this test. Please bring at least two pens or pencils. Any student wishing to use a laptop may do so with prior History & Global Studies Department Head approval.

Eligibility for admission to AP U.S. History is based on each student’s past performance in History and Global Studies Department courses, English courses, and the quality of their essays completed for the Entry Test.

All students who take the entry test will be notified about the outcome of their application by the History & Global Studies Department Head by Wednesday, May 28, 2014, via email.

Please contact me if you have any questions.
Mr. Doubleday

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