Category Archives: Notifications

Diversity Conference Keynote with Alex Morse

8:00 pm: Keynote by Mayor Alex Morse in the Chapel

Alex Morse was born and raised in Holyoke and is a proud product of the city’s public schools. Morse is an alumnus of Brown University with a degree in urban studies, and was the first in his family to graduate from college. He is the youngest mayor ever elected in Holyoke and the youngest gay mayor in the nation. His first year as mayor marked the first time in 25 years that the city had no violent homicide.

State of the Union at StuBop

The State of the Union Address will be on tonight at 9 p.m. in the StuBop for seniors on honors, those who can get permission from their advisor or dorm parent, day students, and anybody else who would like to stop by.  Maybe your teacher would be willing to give some extra credit for viewing it and writing a summary?  Ask them.  See you at 9 p.m. in the StuBop.

Mr. Spearing

Editor’s note: Bing is offering live interaction during the address:

Last Day for Green Cup Challenge

We’ve been doing amazing work around campus conserving electricity despite the weather.  We will be taking our final readings tomorrow, Wednesday, February 13.  Anybody who would like to help take readings, stop by the Activities Office at 1 p.m.  It takes about 45 minutes to read the meters around campus.  Don’t forget to conserve electricity tonight, and to vote for the Williston’s video in the Video Challenge!

Senior Project Forms Available

Senior Project application forms are now available in my office.  If you are interested in pursuing this opportunity to develop a previously established interest in a particular area of study, please come by my office to discuss it. This is NOT required of seniors, and in fact, only about 10 or 12 seniors in any particular year choose to take part in this program.  For those who do, it is a significant commitment upon which graduation and our diploma will depend.  If you have questions, please see me.  These are typically individual projects, not group projects. Thanks!

Mr. Tuleja

Dining Hall Hours for Long Weekend

January 31st thru February 5th

Thursday, January 31st
Dinner 5:15 – 6:30

Friday, February 1st and Saturday, February 2nd
Brunch 11:00 – 12:30
Dinner 5:15 – 6:30

Sunday, February 3rd
Brunch 11:00 – 12:30

Dinner will be a special event hosted by Mr. Spearing and the Activities Department at 6:00 in the Reed Campus Center. The dining hall will be closed for dinner this evening.

Monday, February 4th
Brunch 11:00 – 12:30
Dinner 5:15 – 6:30

Tuesday, February 5th
Brunch 11:00 – 12:30
Dinner 5:15 – 7:00

On Wednesday, February 6th regular meal hours will resume. Enjoy your break!

Blood Drive Feb. 10

You can save a life. Check out how blood donations saved Brian Boyle.

We will be having our next Blood Drive after Mid-Winter Break on Sunday February 10 in the Reed Campus Center from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.
You can sign up online here.
Simply see “Schedule an Appointment” and click “Schedule a new appointment.”

We will also have our sign-ups on the table during meals soon!

If you are 16 years old, make sure to get your parents’ permission to donate over Mid-Winter Break.

Write for the Willistonian

Next Writers’ Open House

  • Friday, January 25th

The Willistonian holds frequent Writers’ Open Houses for all students interested in writing for our school newspaper’s website.

Have a great idea that you’d like to see written, and share with your friends and family? Don’t have any ideas, but would love an assignment? Interested in becoming a published writer, with your own news byline? Then this is a great way to get involved at Williston! Being published like this looks great on resumes and college applications, and just coming to our Writers’ meetings often gets you candy.

All meetings are held in Room 30 on the English floor, during activities period after classes. If you can’t make either of these meetings, but would still like to write/pitch an idea, please feel free to send the Editor in Chief an email.

Sustainable Community: Green Cup Challenge Week 1 Results


The first week of the 2013 Green Cup Challenge has yielded fierce competition and fantastic results. The students in French House have a clear lead over their competitors, reducing their electricity consumption by 33%, compared to their weekly average consumption. Despite speculation that smaller dorms would have a harder time reducing electricity usage because there are a limited number of ways they could save energy, the members of French have been very successful in their efforts.

Another dorm worthy of praise is Ford Hall. Ford, despite the electricity used by the Dining Commons and the Children’s Center, has been able to decrease their use of electricity by 11%. Even though they were not ranked among the top three dorms after the first week, the students in Ford Hall have saved the most energy. Ford has saved 760 kWh, enough to power French House for a few weeks.

The full results for week one are below.

Continue reading →

Swim Lessons from Girls Water Polo

Dear Faculty and Staff,

The girls water polo team is offering swim lessons to children of faculty and staff on Sundays, beginning this Sunday Jan 27 as a fundraiser. For a 30 minute lesson we are asking $15; $20 if you have two children. The girls of the team will be providing instruction. Lessons will begin at 11:00 and 11:30. If you are interested please send an email to me so that we can plan accordingly.

We will also be having lessons on 2/3 and 2/10.

These lessons are not Red Cross or USA swimming certified.

The money raised will be used by the team to help offset the cost of the team training trip in March.

Hope to see you at the pool!

Bill Berghoff P’14, P’15, P’15

Pink in the Rink on Jan. 26

This Saturday, Jan. 26 at 5 pm, the Girls Hockey team will be hosting Hotchkiss School for our second annual Pink in the Rink game. We will have a raffle and bake sale, so please come out and support the team.

If any of you are interested in baking for the event or would be willing to donate an hour or two of your time to help with the bake sale and raffle, please let me know. Thank you so much for considering!

All proceeds will go to the Avon Walk for Breast Cancer. Go Wildcats!