Category Archives: Notifications

Gallery Talk with Chuck Stern

Chuck Stern, the Grubbs Gallery exhibiting artist for February, will be giving a talk in the gallery on Feb. 11th at 9:40 AM (period C). His paintings are abstract, interesting and fun. He recently gave a talk for students at Eagle Hill which was very well received by them. He will talk about his life, challenges he has faced, his creative process and what keeps him going and creating artistically. Please feel free to attend this talk!

Weather Update for Jan. 16

This morning the Middle School cancelled classes for its students due to the weather. However, the Upper School very rarely closes and will continue with its academic day.

This disparity is because we are a boarding school, and like a residential college, we stay open given that the majority of our students and many of our faculty live on campus. That said, we understand that the weather makes driving challenging, and perhaps dangerous, for some of our day students.

Although we are not closing the Upper School and classes will continue today, I encourage you to use your best judgment in deciding to get your child to campus. If you feel the driving conditions are unsafe, I encourage you to wait until you feel more comfortable traveling.

Our faculty understand that weather in New England means that some days our day students will be late or be unable to attend classes. Students who miss one or all of their classes will, as always, get the help they need from their teachers to make up any missed work. Often, teachers adjust the day’s assignment depending upon class attendance. If you decide to wait to bring your child or decide he or she should stay home today, please contact the school so that we know he or she will be out. That number is (413) 529-3000.

Student safety—and that our community—is always a priority, and we’re grateful for your help in challenging weather situations.


Kathy Noble
Dean of Students

Ten for Cum Laude

The Williston Northampton School chapter of the Cum Laude Society will be inducting 10 members from the Class of 2013 on Friday, January 11 at 8:30 a.m.

The Cum Laude Society, founded in 1906 and modeled after Phi Beta Kappa, honors scholastic achievement in secondary schools.  The society has over 350 chapters, with the majority in independent schools.  In 1921, Williston Academy became a member of the society, followed by Northampton School for Girls in 1951.  In 1971, a new charter was created for The Williston Northampton School.

The following students will be inducted in the Phillips Stevens Chapel on the Williston Northampton campus.

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Wildcat Robotics Head to FIRST Qualifiers


I am pleased to announce that the Williston Wildcat Robotics Team will be going to their opening FIRST Tech Challenge State Qualifying tournament this Saturday, January 12th at Arlington High School in Arlington, MA.

The Robotics Team members are:

Berghoff, Chris
Cavanaugh, Matt
KaneLong, Jackson
Kim, James
Kimball, Ethan
Lucia, Aaron
Watson, Kyle
Won, Sean
Frodo, The Robot

The team will leave the campus by 5:30 am to ensure our arrival for the 7:30 am start time. The tournament will end about 4:30 – 5:00 pm so the team will return to campus no later than 7:00 pm.


Ted Matthias
Computer Science Teacher
Student Council Advisor
Coach, FTC Robotics Team #3157

Green Cup…Did You Know?

Check out the 2013 Green Cup Energy Challenge website here. 

Here is the link to the Video competition.  Contact Mr. Spearing, Jilly Lim, Laura McCullagh, or the Film Club if you’d like to get involved in that.  It’s due January 30.  Let’s make sure our video has accurate information if we’re going to submit one.

Did you know…?

  • Over 70% of electricity in the U.S. is generated from non-renewable sources.
  • Coal is used to generate almost half of the electricity produced in the U.S. When coal is burned as fuel, it gives off carbon dioxide, the main greenhouse gas linked to global warming.
  • About 30% of the energy used in commercial and industrial buildings is used inefficiently or unnecessarily.
  • If the energy efficiency of commercial and industrial buildings improved by 10%, it would equal a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions equal to taking 30 million cars off the road.
  • More than 25% of energy consumption in homes goes to lighting.
  • Only about 10% of the energy used by a bulb creates light, the other 90% creates heat.
  • If you replace 25% of your light bulbs with fluorescents, you can save about 20% on your lighting bill.
  • Home refrigerators in the U.S. use the same amount of electricity as 25 large power plants every year.
  • Around 80% of the energy used to wash clothes comes from heating the water. Using warm or cool water will save energy and get clothes just as clean.
  • Stopping air leaks around the house, can save you as much as 10% on heat and air conditioning costs.
  • Many electronics use energy even when turned off to keep display clocks lit and remote controls working.

New Issue of Janus!

Happy New Year!  The winter issue of Janus, Williston’s arts and literary magazine, is now online.  Please follow the link to read works by:

Emma Hing
Zack Maldonado
Greg Tuleja
Cameron Hill
Karlyn Simpson
Elizabeth Calderone
Nick Pattison
Laura McCullagh
Jilly Lim

and to look at beautiful photographs by

Mika C.
Abby Jackson
Cam Zawacki
Zack Maldonado

Hard copies will be in the library tomorrow morning!  Please take one!

Writing Center Hours This Week: BLUE WEEK 1/3-1/6

In 1699, Jonathan Swift (author of Gulliver’s Travels) resolved “Not to neglect decency, or cleenlyness, for fear of falling into Nastyness.”

In 1955, Marilyn Monroe (a famous American actress) resolved to “keep looking around me — only much more so — observing — but not only myself but others and everything — take things (it) for what they (it’s) are worth.”

In 1942, Woody Guthrie (American folk musician) resolved to “Write a song every day” and to “Stay glad.”

What’s your New Year’s Resolution?  Be clean!  Be observant!  Stay glad!  Improve yourself–and your writing!–with a visit to the Writing Center!

Here are the hours for this week:

Thursday (which is a Blue Friday, sort of)
9:10 to 9:45 a.m. (part of E)
12:50 p.m. to 1:45 p.m. (B)
1:55 p.m. to 2:50 p.m. (D)
7:45 p.m. to 9:45 p.m. (study hall)

Friday (which is a Blue Thursday)
8:30 .am. to 1:30 p.m. (B, E, F, G1, G2)
7:45 p.m. to 9:45 p.m. (study hall)

7:45 p.m. to 9:45 p.m. (study hall)

Remember that you can sign up for study hall hours (if you want to…you can also just drop by) via the following link:
Tutorial during an upcoming assembly on how to use Doodle!

Many thanks to the great website for the above resolutions!

Minibus Parking has Moved

Since we have gone to five minibuses, parking the buses at Memorial has been challenging.  We have come up with a solution that should simplify this process significantly.  The buses will now be located in the north end of the lot behind Stevens Chapel.

By putting the buses in the center row, a driver will be able to enter the lot, head towards the west side of the lot (towards Main Street) pull down to the designated spaces and pull into an empty space.  These spaces are painted with yellow lines to distinguish them from the other spaces in the lot.  They also are wider than a standard space, have “BUS” stenciled on the lot and have a stop line at the front of the space.

When taking a bus, the driver will be able to pull straight out and turn to the right to exit the lot.  There will be no need to back up!

Also when returning after using a bus, the driver can stop at the dumpster at Whitaker Bement to get rid of trash that has been collected from the trip.  As in the past, it would be best to return the key to the Schoolhouse key cabinet.  If that is an issue for some reason, we are moving the key drop box from Memorial to the northwest corner of Stevens Chapel.  Hopefully, this will be easier and safer for all involved.

Please feel free to contact us with questions.  The buses have been moved to the new location.

Jeffrey A. Tannatt
Director of Physical Plant