Category Archives: Notifications

Upcoming Schedules and Assignments

In the Dean’s office, Dave K and Christa have been putting on the finishing touches of housing and advising assignments, as well as planning for Orientations for all classes at the opening of school.  They report being particularly excited about the Proctors’ return to campus on Sept. 4th for training and to kick off the student experience for the upcoming year!

See the full registration and orientation schedule for Sept. 4-14.

Mandatory All Employee Meeting

On Thursday August 30, 2012, there will be a mandatory all employee meeting in the theater from 1 PM to 3:15 PM. On the agenda for this meeting: Bullying, Harassment, and Hazing Prevention. We will also have a representative from ING to give us an update about the upcoming changes to our retirement plan. We will also review Emergency Response Preparedness. All employees are required to attend.

Children’s Theater at Majestic

From Rick Teller:

As some of you may know, I have a second gig as a theater photographer.  One of my clients is the Majestic Theater at 131 Elm Street in West Springfield.  For the next six weeks they are putting on children’s theater, specifically The Princess and the Pea (this week and July 30-Aug. 1), Rumpelstiltskin (July 16-18 & Aug 6-8), and The Tale of the Frog Prince (July 23-25 & Aug. 13-15).  Performances are Monday-Wednesday at 10:00 am and 1:00 pm, plus Monday evenings at 6:30.  Tickets are a mere eight bucks.

The company is a group of very talented local high school students, with a professional director.  They go all out.  If you’re looking for ways to keep your children entertained, I can’t recommend this enough!

There’s more information at
