Category Archives: Notifications

SAT This Saturday, May 3

For those registered to take the SAT this Saturday, please read on. If you are taking the Regular SAT Reasoning test, you should report to the Athletic Center by 7:50 a.m. at the latest. If you are taking subject tests, you should report to the college counseling building (Plimpton) also by 7:50 a.m. at the latest. Everyone must have their admission ticket, Williston ID, and two already sharpened number 2 pencils. Bring water and a snack with you to have during breaks.

The dining hall will have a hot breakfast ready by 7:15 a.m., so go and have a hearty breakfast ahead of time. Please also inform your Saturday teachers as soon as possible that you will not be in class that day. If you are not sure if you registered, there will be a list at the front desk of the schoolhouse for you to check. Below is a link that will tell you everything you need to know about test day:

Thanks and good luck!

New Drainage System Underway

2014 Rachael Hanley Sod Drainage4/24 Update: The project in front of the campus center is almost complete and sod is being rolled out today. Please stay off the new grass in the area for the time being. Physical Plant staff have staked and roped off the area as a gentle reminder.

You may have noticed that the grass area in front of the Reed Center has been fenced off. Over the next couple of weeks, a new drainage system will be put in so that when the tent for graduation is installed, in the event of rain, the water coming off the tent will flow into these new additional drains. The work should be done quickly and grass will be replanted in plenty of time before graduation and Alumni Weekend.

We Support Yasuni Event

Hi everyone,

Supporting YasuniBesides all that is happening in Venezuela; there is something else happening in my country, Ecuador. In a small part of Ecuador there is Yasuni National Park which is arguably the most biologically diverse spot on Earth. The problem is that the government wants to destroy it forever, to make room for oil drilling. One way to stop it is signing an international petition online, however the petition is in Spanish so it would be easier if you just respond to this email giving me your consent to use your email and your name to sign the petition. (I just need your email and first name)

I’m also taking a picture with a sign saying “We support Yasuni”, so if you want to be in the picture go to Reed (in front of the Stu Bop) on Tuesday after class.

If you’re still not convinced about the idea watch this video or email me with questions.

Miranda Perotti

Feeling Wnder the Weather? A Message from Health and Wellness Services

We may be weather-weary, but we’ve made it to the final trimester of  2013-14!

As we prepare to close out this year, I’m sending this friendly reminder that the Health and Wellness Center Nursing staff is available to our students 24 hours a day.

Illness, headaches, and injuries can strike at any hour, and our nursing team is prepared to help any student in need.

Should you, your child, your resident, or advisee fall ill at 3am, simply call us at 529-3911.

Likewise, if you’re a Boarding Student and feel too ill to go to class, please come see us.
Day Students, please contact the Dean’s Office.

Please be in touch if we can be of any assistance.
We’re happy to help, it’s why we’re here!

Yours in good health,
Nurse KB

Prizes for Poetry

Hey guys,

As you may have noticed recently, the stairs in the schoolhouse have been sporting this poem:

Spring is coming
The bees are humming
Your package and allowance are forthcoming
With many poets
I bet you didn’t know it
You’ll be getting poems
About your favorite season
So that’s the reason
Go to the campus store

~The purpose of this is to direct you to the campus store!

There will be inspiring poems about spring and warm weather for all of you to pick up on the counter of the campus store when you are passing by.

We also have put poems on your packages!

So, make sure to take a poem and/or read the poem on your package because…

We will reward you with prizes!

Here are the criteria:

If the poem you pick up has the word…






Send either: or or an email and you shall receive your prize!

This is for our senior poetry final project so please participate if you can and shoot lots of emails our way!


Lucy Boland
Sydney Belinskas
Ethan Kimball

American Mathematics Competition on Campus

Best of luck to the mathematics students participating in the American Mathematics Competition this week!

The American Mathematics Competition test is the first stage in the International Mathematics Olympiad competition. Over 350,000 high school students from across the country take this test.

The event will take place on February 19 from 8:30-10 a.m. in the dining hall and is organized by Kathryn Hill and Josh Seamon for the math department. The event is optional and is open to honors math students.


​It’s nearly February 14th, and that means CANDYGRAMS!!

The Junior class is holding a Valentine’s day fundraiser selling candygrams which will be available to buy at lunch today, Tuesday, and Wednesday.
They will be sold for $1.50 and a portion of profits will go to supporting the American Heart Association.

Send one to a friend, teacher, advisor, or send one anonymously!

The candygrams will be delivered to boarders on Thursday night and day students and teachers should keep a look out in their mailboxes on Friday, Valentine’s Day!

Have a happy Valentine’s Day!
Your Junior class council

Green Cup Challenge Video Contest

Remember that video in assembly last week? – the one of me running around and turning off lights and unplugging things and eating carrots?

That video has been submitted into the Video Contest as a part of the Green Cup Challenge! Other schools that are also participating in the Green Cup Challenge have submitted a video, like ours, into the contest.

The way that we win the video challenge is by your vote! So, please – if you want to vote – go to this link:

If you want to see all the videos entered into the competition, go to this link:

Thanks a lot!! Every vote counts!

Nick Pattison 🙂
Sustainable Life Club!

Field Trip to Mead Art Museum on Feb. 6

AP English Literature class will be traveling to the Mead Art Museum at Amherst College on Thursday, February 6, 2014. The students will be having a docent-led tour of the gallery, including the Rotherwas room and the Cole landscapes.  Then they will also be doing a writing activity on ekphrastic poetry. The field trip is required for students who are enrolled in AP English Literature with Sarah Sawyer.

The field trip will be proctored by Ms. Sawyer and Mr. Tuleja and will include  26 English students.