Category Archives: Notifications

Classics Day Award Winners

Williston students went to Mount Holyoke College on Friday, January 17 for an all-day regional high school Latin event. The annual event, known as Classics Day, is optional for students in all levels of Latin. Congratulations to all the award winners!


1) Katie Davis, Mt. Greylock
2) Lucas Benjamin, Taconic
3) Matthew Gallagher, Taconic

1) Jordan Gamacke, Belchertown
2) Mason Chiulli, Williston
3) Jessie Schuhlen, Williston

Paintings & Drawings
1) Jaclyn Symiakakis & Isabelle Griffin, Belchertown
2) Matthew Mitera, Belchertown
3) Lily Daoust, Lenox

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Tomorrow. 5:00. See you there.

The Girls Varsity Basketball team will be taking on WMA tomorrow at 5:00 p.m. and we’d appreciate your support! We’ve had a great season and that’s all because of YOUR SUPPORT and ENERGY!! Don’t forget after dinner to come out and support the BOYS BASKETBALL TEAM at 6:30 as they take on DEERFIELD!!

It’s Cold Season Again! Here are Some Helpful Tips

Dear Williston,

Here in New England we are in the height of cold and flu season. Many of us are getting hit with the big bad bug and feeling quite under the weather. Here at Health and Wellness Services, we’re seeing another sudden increase in sick visits.

We encourage you all to get extra rest, eat well-balanced, nutritious meals, and drink plenty of fluids. Typical cold and flu viruses last about 10 days with days 3-6 being the worst.

The more tired or dehydrated you are, the more vulnerable you will be to becoming ill. Our goal is to keep you healthy. ‘Tis the season to finish the trimester and ring in the winter break healthy and joyously, not under the covers feeling sick!

The single most important thing you can do to remain healthy is to follow this advice and WASH YOUR HANDS with warm water and soap very frequently.

If you are coughing, sniffling, sneezing, cough or sneeze into your elbow or shoulder, not your hands.

If your stomach is upset, remember that the more you eat or drink, and the faster your eat or drink, you are more likely to vomit.

Please contact our office if we can be of any assistance.

Yours in good health,
Nurse KB

Kerry-Beth A. Garvey, MS, RN, CNL
Director, Health and Wellness Services

Swim Lessons for Williston Community Children

Williston Community,

Once again the girls water polo team will be offering swim lessons to the children of the Williston community on Sunday mornings as a fund raiser. The lessons will be 30 minutes sessions at 11 am and 11:30 and will cost $10 per session. Last winter the girls had a great time working with the younger members of the school and are looking forward to the privilege again. If you are at interested or have questions, please feel free to contact me or one of the captains: Persis Ticknor-Swanson, Lindsay Richardson, or Maddy Stern.

Thanks and we hope to see you in the pool soon!

William Berghoff
Head of Science
Head Coach, Boys’ and Girls’ Water Polo

Writing Center Online Sign-up Link

Hi all,

The online link for the Writing Center is now working and is included below.  Remember two important things:

1. Most of the time, there is no need to sign up for an appointment:  we would love to see you drop by any time!  Some weeks of the trimester are, of course, busier than others, and during those times it would be a good idea to sign up early.  If you are busy, everyone else is too.  (I did not include the daily hours this trimester because students only seem to use the online sign-ups for study hall.  Please let me know if you would like me to add the daily hours; I would be happy to do so.)

2. Please do not overuse the online sign up.  Even if you think you need to visit five times in one week, you may only sign up for one session/night or two/week.  Use your time during the day wisely and be considerate of others who may want to make use of the Writing Center!

Here is the link:

Field Trip to Classics Day on Jan. 17

Williston students will be traveling to Mt. Holyoke College on Friday, January 17 for an all-day regional high school Latin event. The annual event, known as Classics Day, is optional for students in all levels of Latin.

Best of luck to the following Upper and Middle School students, who will be attending Classics Day: Jen Cavazuti, Nick Hill, Henning Fischel, Sima Gandevia, Yoonji Kim, Ryan King, Kelby Reid, Josh Simpson, Evan Stark, Chase Tanguay, Molly Zawacki, Mason Chiulli, Gabe Moon, Jessie Schuhlen, Jaden Tanguay, Ryan Dwyer, Dora Gordon, Ben Griffiths, Theo King, Benson Luddy-Dunn, Orlee Marini-Rapoport, DJ Poulin, and Molly Solan. Teachers Emily Vezina and Beatrice Cody will oversee the trip.

Read about a previous Classics Day event or see the photos from last year.

Girls Basketball Tournament TODAY

Dear Williston Community,

Just a reminder that Williston is hosting our annual girls basketball tournament today at the Athletic Center.  In its 26th  year, the girls basketball tournament is named the Ray Brown Holiday Tournament in honor of our longtime coach who retired in 2002.  I am sure Coaches Fulcher and Whipple and all the girls would appreciate your support if you can make it down to the Athletic Center to cheer them on.  Here is the schedule:


Friday, December 20:
5:30 p.m.                       Game 1             BB & N vs. Hopkins
7:00 p.m.                       Game 2             Williston vs. Brooks

Saturday, December 21:
9:30 a.m.                        Game 5             Brooks vs. BB & N
11:00 a.m.                     Game 6             Hopkins vs. Williston
2:00 p.m.                       Game 5             Brooks vs. Hopkins
3:30 p.m.                       Game 6             Williston vs. BB & N

5:00 PM                       Naming of MVP and All-Tournament Team

CID on Wednesday

Hello Williston!

You’re invited to the next installment of CID!

Mark your calendars for 6:00 p.m. this Wednesday, December 18th, in the Cox Room.

Our amazing speakers will be:

Josh Simpson
Livvy Milne
Mrs. Bridget Choo

As always, come with an open mind and heart, and get ready to be inspired! This is a great chance to come together before the winter break to learn more about members of our community.

See you all there!
Brittany Collins and Ms. Brown