Category Archives: Notifications

3rd Annual Holiday Cards for Troops

Hey Everyone!

The Class of 2014 is doing a holiday card drive for troops again this year!

Starting today at lunch there will be a table with blank holiday cards in which you can write messages to soldiers stationed overseas during the holidays. We have done this for the past two years and have gotten great results and lots of positive feedback! The table will be there today through Friday so please send thanks again this year!

This is a really easy and nice way to give back a little during the holiday season and it would be great if you would all take the time today, Wednesday, Thursday, or Friday  to just write a brief message.

Thank you in advance!
Madeleine Stern

Assemblies this Week

Welcome back! I hope everyone had a wonderful break and are excited about beginning the winter trimester. This week we have three assemblies with the first tomorrow morning at 8:30 a.m. This will be the only assembly where students can present, show a video, or make announcements, so they should let me know by 8 p.m. tonight if they would like to do that. As always, any media presentations should be sent to Mr. Raffetto ASAP.

Thank you and we’ll see you there by 8:30 a.m.!
Kathy Noble
Dean of Students

Special Schedule on Tuesday
o   1st day back from break (regular BLUE Tuesday rotation)
8:30 – 9:00                  Assembly
9:10 – 10:05                Period G
10:15 – 11:10              Period C
11:20 – 12:15              Period E1
11:45 – 12:40              Period E2
12:50 – 1:45                Period F
1:55 – 2:50                  Period A

Wednesday, Dec. 4: Athletic Awards Assembly – Mr. Conroy

Thursday, December 5: All-school assembly in the gym with William Kamkwamba, The Boy Who Harnessed the Wind teaches perseverance.


CID on Friday, Nov. 22

Hey everyone – Mr. Tyree here. If you are still on campus and need a break before your break, head to the Dodge Room this Friday from 6:15 – 7:15 p.m. to catch my CID! It will be a collection of personal stories and oral history, focusing on how music has always played an integral part in my journey. I will trade between songs and stories—and get you out of there in time for study hall!

Hope to see you there.

Zuzzy’s Cookie Dough: Round 2

Hello Williston,

Zuzzy’s Cookie Dough will be returning for a second week! Stop by our table at lunch to stock up. We will continue to have Classic Chocolate Chip, Midnight Chip, and Rocky Trail. All profit goes to the American Cancer Society by benefiting Williston’s own Relay for Life Team “Williston Warriors.”

A reminder for faculty, staff, and students in the area that Relay will take place at Look Park in Florence, MA on June 13th-14th and we would love to have more team members! A clarification for those interested that you do not have to stay for the entire 24-hour event. If you would like to stop by for an hour or two to relieve the full-time participants, that would be equally amazing.

If you are interested, email us for more info or sign up at our lunch table. Zuzzy’s is the perfect indulgence for a busy week of Assessments… I hope to see you all at lunch!

Brittany Collins, Maddy Stern, and the Community Service Club

Arete: The best study session you’ll ever have

Hey, friends! Happy Wednesday!

Do you need a little help studying for that certain assessment?
Do you want to work with a tutor one-on-one on your U.S. History or in a small, focused group on your AP Latin?
Do you want homemade cookies and various other delicious snacks while you practice your physics problems?

Then come on down to the ARETE STUDY SESSION this SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 17! We will be in ROOM 511 in the Chapel just waiting to see each and every one of your eager faces. Come any time between 1-3:30 p.m. to work on any subject with which you need assistance, and you can bring your friends to study in little groups!

Again, we have delicious food.

We hope to see you all there!
Please email an Arete member with any questions.

Get excited,

Veterans Day

Dear Community:

Many of us have relatives who have served or are serving in the armed forces, and while we are hosting our annual Open House for prospective students and their families, I hope you find time today to reflect on those who have made our lives better through their sacrifice.

Veterans Day has special meaning in a year where so many men and women are serving overseas, and again, there are more than a few in the greater Williston family for whom this day holds even greater significance.

I have a friend who was on the Marine Honor Guard at Arlington Cemetery back in the day, and I know that I will reach out to him with a short note of thanks and appreciation.

So on this day of national memory and pride, pause, reflect, and give thanks.

Finally, let’s make sure everyone is open and welcoming to our guests on campus and give our visitors a lasting impression of what makes our school such a special place.

Hail to Williston Northampton!

Mr. Hill

CID Tonight!

Hello Williston!

Are you sick of spending hours at your desk each night? Maybe you don’t want to grade those papers? Seniors– are you putting off those college supplements?

Procrastinating is a bad idea, but if you’re going to do it, you might as well have some fun!

Come join us in the Cox Room at 6:00 p.m. tonight (Tuesday) night for our next installment of CID! Hear the amazing stories of Gia Parker, Max Struys, and Sabrina Fathi. We ask that you come with an open mind and heart, and be prepared to get inspired!

See you all there,
Ms. Brown and Brittany Collins

Wednesday 11/6 Upper School Assembly

Tomorrow’s Assembly will be in the Chapel at 8:30 a.m. We do have an guest speaker for a majority of the assembly and the few remaining minutes have also been scheduled.   Please post any announcements that you would like to make on email.  Thank you! Any questions or concerns, please see me directly. Thanks again, Ms. Noble