Changes to T2 Math Resource Schedule

A few additional changes needed to be made to the T2 tutoring schedule due to last minute changes in students’ schedules.  Below and attached you will find the most up-to-date schedule.  As a reminder, the Math Resource Center is a drop-in center—you do not need to make an appointment.  You can come at the beginning of the period or in the middle of the period, and you can stay for as long as you need to.

During study hall on Tuesday and Wednesday evenings, it is best if you arrive by 8 pm but not required, and you do not need to stay until 9.  You are welcome to go back to the dorm once you have completed the work you need to do with the tutor unless your dorm has a different policy, so check with your dorm parents when you sign out.  It is extremely helpful if you bring your math book and notebooks to tutoring sessions so that you and your tutor have what you need when you are getting help.

With a week and a half left before the winter break, most likely you will all have some kind of assessment in your math class, so take advantage of all our fabulous tutors!!

Have a great week.
Ms. Anderson

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