CID on Breast Cancer on November 3

A huge thanks to Sofia Flores, Chris Espinal, and Senor Garcia for starting our Cultural Identity (CID) nights representing their Hispanic Heritage and sharing a piece of themselves with us.

Our next CID will focus on those who have dealt with breast cancer. I have been affected by breast cancer with my grandmother on my dad’s side, Grammy, dying after battling breast cancer in 1993. If you have directly or indirectly been affected by breast cancer, and would like to share your experience in a safe environment, please email me by the end of the week. 

Breast Cancer Awareness CID

Dining Commons Cox Room

Tuesday, November 3 from 6:00 pm – 7:00 p.m.

CIDs are a chance for Sharing: Our cultural identity is a powerful recognition of who we are and there is brain science behind why it is healthy to do.

These shared experiences make us a stronger community.

Each person’s story is their own, and it is only true for them at the moment they share. It may change over time as we are all changing.

It is understood that these cultural identities should stay in the room as a safe space, and some may share something there that they don’t want to share with others.

We are putting ourselves out there and are making ourselves vulnerable by sharing, so we need to respect that vulnerability by listening respectfully.

We understand that we are all busy, and it may happen that you need to leave during the talks. Some may join us during the talks too.

[if !supportLists]7)     [endif]If someone is affected by any of the stories shared, there are adults to speak with like Mr. Spearing, Ms. Brown, your advisors, Mr. Thompson, etc.

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