Dance Ensemble Auditions This Week

Hello Everyone!

As promised, here is the information you’ll need for Dance Ensemble Auditions this week. All meetings are in the Dance Studio, Reed Center. Advisors, if you have an advisee who might be interested in auditioning, please pass this information along in Advisee Meetings.

Monday, 9/8: Information Meeting.  3:45 – 5:00. No need to change clothes. Be prepared for discussion, ask questions, etc. More information will be provided on attire and other expectations at this meeting.

Tuesday: 9/9: Movement Audition (Contemporary.) 3:45 – 5:15. Warm-up and Combination. Please be changed into dance/movement clothing. Be ready to start at 3:45.

Wednesday, 9/10: Movement Audition, Ballet Barre and Combination. 2:00 – 3:30.

Thursday, 9/11: Movement Audition. Contemporary and Jazz. 3:45 – 5:15.

Friday, 9/12: Student Choreographer Audition. 3:15 – 4:45. Students wishing to prepare pieces for fall performance should prepare material. More on this at our meeting tomorrow.

Looking forward to seeing you all there tomorrow! Please let me know if you have any questions.

See you soon,

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