Dodgeball on Feb. 24

This coming Monday!
Dodgeball after team wrap-ups at the gym.  All skill levels.
Get your teams together to sign up.  Registration ends at 3 p.m. tomorrow.

Most importantly, this tournament is about having fun, inclusivity and sportsmanship. Read the complete rules below.

The 2014 Al LAValle Memorial Tournament Dodgeball Rules

1.  If you get hit by the ball you are out. The ball cannot hit you after bouncing or hitting the ground. The ball must be airborne during the entire duration of the throw to qualify as a strike. If you get hit you are out.

2.  If a teammate catches the ball of an opponent when it is thrown at them, another player from the catcher’s team can come back into the game. Once again the ball must be airborne. If you drop the ball in attempt to catch it, then you will be eliminated.

3. There are no head shots; if you are hit in the head you are not out.  However, an opposing player cannot purposely put their head into the path of a ball. If they do they will be eliminated

4. If you have a ball in your hands and an opposing player throws a ball at you. You may block that throw with your ball and you will be safe. If the ball that the player has blocked is airborne, another player may catch it, and the opposing thrower will be eliminated.

5. If balls bounce out of the dodge ball zone, you are safe to go and get it. But, a player may not be “out of bounds” with a ball for more than five seconds. Once you have retrieved the ball you must return to the court.

6. Referees are in charge. If they make a call it stands. No arguing. If necessary, a referee can eliminate players out of the game.

7. In the beginning of the game the balls will be lined up in the center of the court and players must have at both feet behind the line.  At the referee’s mark, the players will sprint to the center to retrieve the balls.  Players cannot throw the balls until they have back behind the second line of scrimmage.

8. If only one person remains on a team then the opposing team is allowed to cross (for a limited amount of time) to the second blue line.

9. The limit for one match other than the Finals is 10 minutes.  Once 10 minutes are up, the team with the most players left on the court is the winner.  If at 10 minutes, the same number of people are on the court then sudden death will occur where the first person out on a team is the losing team.

10. Once all six players on one team are all out then the game is over.

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