Emergency Test Message

This morning at 9:00 a.m. Williston sent the test from RAVE, our new emergency alert system, to parents and guardians. If you are a parent or guardian, I hope you received the following email, phone call, and text message from the school.

“This is a TEST of the Williston Northampton School Emergency Alert System.  This is only a TEST.”

If you did not receive the emergency test, you will need to update your emergency contact information as soon as possible. You can do so by visiting the Williston website, clicking login at the top right of the page to access WillyNet, and then by clicking on My Information. Please click on My Family on the top of the page, and chose My Personal Contact Information. If any information needs to be updated, please make those changes there. If you need help making those changes, please contact the Technology Office at (413) 529-3338 or email support@williston.com.

Faculty and students will also receive a test message on Wednesday, December 10.

Thank you for helping us keep our emergency contact information up to date and for your cooperation this morning. We’re grateful for your part in keeping our community safe.


Anne O’Connor
Director of Security

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