Final Stretch in the Library

Hello students-

We’re seeing productive work and many interesting topics in the library!  Here are some reminders to help make the final week go smoothly for you:

Ask a librarian for help with your research!
That’s what we do.

Plan ahead with printing
The writing of even the most carefully organized paper has a way of expanding to fill the quickly diminishing time before a deadline, and nearly all of us are guilty of procrastinating at some point.  But it’s not hard to get up early!  So print ahead of the 8:27 crowd waiting at the printer, and you’ll start the day with ease and a smile.  A special treat will be here for those who come in at 8:00 each morning this week.
Ditto for planning ahead and not trying to print right before the period when your paper is due.

Arrange group studying in common rooms or Whitaker Bement, and, during the day, outside
Some students like to study in groups, but the library is not the spot for loud discussions.  If you would like to study with your classmates during evening study hall, it is possible to use a room in Whitaker Bement, after emailing Mr. Fay and/or Ms. Evelti ahead for permission.

Work on collaborative assignments quietly in the library
The iMacs are ideal for laying out multiple pages.  Project partners may work quietly together.  If your project has audio, you are welcome to use the library office for recording.

Finish with panache and pride
The library’s binding machine lifts the level of your paper to a polished publication.  We’ll be glad to fill the display shelf with students’ work!

Ms. Paige

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