Head’s Snow Day on Tuesday

Dear Williston Northampton Students and Employees,

It looks like the Northeaster of 2015 is right on track to turn Easthampton and Williston Northampton School into a winter wonderland.  Tuesday will be a special Head’s Snow Day where all classes and school activities are cancelled.  Additionally, all offices will be closed.   It will be a time to relax, dig out, and build snow castles, “snofas”, and other safe snow activities (perfect time as well to read Mr. Tracy Kidder’s book, Strength in What Remains!).

With so much snow predicted to fall so fast, the roads and walkways will be a mess and most stores in town will be closed.  If we really get the predicted one to two feet of snow, even our incredible Physical Plant folks will be maxed out.   We’re expecting high winds as well, so our goal is to remain indoors as much as possible.

Students and faculty should look for and pay attention to emails from Ms. Noble which will announce special activities, times of meals, and other pertinent information.  Employees will receive emails with more specific information from supervisors.

Let’s stay safe, be smart, and “do good well.”

Hail to Williston Northampton,


PS:  As the storm progresses we will keep you informed regarding any possible cancellations or delays beyond Tuesday.

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