Hungry for Home

There’s something wonderful about home-cooked meals, a certain nostalgia that turns a simple dinner into something so much more. With the Thanksgiving and the Christmas breaks in rapid-fire succession, the season comes with an abundance of family dinners and specialty dishes. Especially latkes. Those are wonderful.

In this awkward middle period between the two breaks, it’s easy to long for something to remind us more of home, something to tell us that we really will be throwing snowballs into our brother’s room to wake him up in the worst way possible in a few short weeks. Don’t tell him I said that.

Food seems to be the best way to jog the memory. A character in Proust’s In Search of Lost Time regained abandoned memories simply by sniffing a pastry, so why not conjure up some holiday spirit by serving some home-style meals? Nick Pattison ’14 seems to recognize this, and hopes that the dining hall will decide to serve his favorite dish, Chicken and Biscuits with gravy. The recipe seems easy, delicious, and perfect for getting back in the family mindset. Let’s see what he has to say.

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