Hurricane Sandy Updates

For ongoing updates on Hurricane Sandy, visit the Community Alerts page.

Hurricane Sandy is expected to impact Western Massachusetts between 2:00 p.m. today (Monday, October 29) and tomorrow morning at 8:00 a.m. (Tuesday, October 30).

We will be meeting with all students who are currently on campus in the Birch Dining Commons at 11:30 a.m. this morning. After that meeting, students will be asked to remain in the dorms that are open over the Fall Break. We have food and water and we’ll be serving dinner in each of those dorms during the storm. Residential faculty are supervising.

We are anticipating the possible loss of power on campus, but we will be working to keep our website and Facebook page updated regularly as the storm progresses. If you have questions, you may call (413) 529-3000 or email David Koritkoski, Assistant Dean of Students.

Thank you for your part in helping to keep our community safe.


Robert W. Hill III

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