Join the Movember Team

Dear Williston,

In just 11 short days the month of Movember will begin. With this Mr. Cunha and I will start growing a few of the finest mustaches you have ever seen. Our purpose is to raise awareness for Men’s Health Issues. These include cancer and mental health issues.

Our campaign is open to all men, women, boys, girls and even a few toddlers (my niece and nephew sport a few Movember things each year) We encourage all who want to join us, by growing a mustache, donating or just spreading the word, to following the link bellow to our team page. There you will find the current and growing list of team members and information about the movement. 

As you may have noticed our team name is Williston Wildstache Hockey. The movement started here at Williston as a thing the hockey team did. However, it has grown beyond these humble beginnings. We encourage and welcome all, those who can grow and those who cannot.

If you have any questions about joining the team, the Movember movement itself or anything about Men’s Health, please feel free to ask myself, Mr. Cunha or any of our current members.

Here’s to growing as a community in all the ways we can,


Alex Rivenburgh

History and Global Studies

Ultimate Frisbee Head Coach

Movember Participant 6 years strong


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