Daily Announcements from Williston Northampton

Advanced Sculpture Video

Hi All,

If you are looking for a little break from your activities, you may want to click on the link below to see the adventures of two fine sculptors (Jon Bzdel and Danny Gould) this trimester.  If you would like to read more about the work, you can click on the attachment above.

The pieces are NOT permanent and if you would like to see them in person, I would recommend that before Friday you take a walk out to the open space behind the middle school to see them.  You can also see the fine work of the Winter Trimester Sculpture class there as well, which is a stone eye called the Eye of Awareness.



A special thanks to the Communications team and Traci Wolfe for helping this get out to all of you!

Susanna White

Sculpture teacher

Writing Center Thank Yous

Hi Everyone…As the year draws to a close, I wanted to acknowledge the hard work done by our Writing Center tutors this year.  These students happily volunteer their time to be a part of your growth as writers; please extend a “thank you” when you see them, particularly if they are graduating!

Alex Cervone
Grant Cohen
Kevin Conroy
Pankti Dalal
Lizzie De Ubl
Alex Garcia
Devon Greenwood
Brian Hendery
Emma Hing
Evan Jacobson
Kat Kaisla
Hannah Lewis
Christie Valine

Mr. Kudla
Ms. Vezina
Mr. Miller

A special “thank you” to Ms. Hume, who will be leaving her post in the Writing Center to work full-time in the Fine Arts Department.  We have appreciated her calm and practical approach to hundreds of students and their writing since the founding of the Writing Center in 2005!  Happy Trails, Ms. Hume!

Have a great summer!
Ms. Sawyer

Seniors and Faculty Annual Fund Challenge

You still have time to make your Annual Fund gift and have it count toward the competition between the Seniors and Faculty, which closes at midnight tomorrow! The Faculty is ahead, but it’s not over yet…

·        Bring your gift to the Advancement Office, second floor of The Homestead
·        Give online at www.williston.com/give
·        Visit the Business Office to make your gift using your Sammy Card

We will announce the winner on Friday – GOOD LUCK!

There’s still time!

As you look back on a year of your best grades ever . . .

As you take pride in that academic award . . .

As you consider what is really important about your time at Williston Northampton . . .

Even as you’re cleaning your room, emptying your backpack, purging your hard drive . . .

Please remember that we collect student academic work in the Archives!
Grades 7-12.  Every subject.  It’s your history.

Rick Teller

Pool Open Today 12:30-1:30

The Williston pool is open to all to cool off and have some fun from 12:30-1:30 today.  Coach K has volunteered his lifeguarding experience to make this all happen and will most likely have some others helping him.  It’s a great time to take a break and cool off before other responsibilities happen in the day.  Enjoy!  Thanks Coach K!

Update: Weather Tonight

This afternoon the National Weather Service issued a tornado watch for Berkshire County, west of the school. We are monitoring the situation, but tonight’s Academic Awards Ceremony is taking place as planned. The event, which is mandatory for students, will be held in the Athletic Center, beginning at 6:45 p.m. (It will be webcast live at www.williston.com/live).

In case of a weather situation in Hampshire County, we will contact families by text message to update them about the school’s response to the emergency conditions and about any changes to this evening’s event.


International Seniors: Reminder

If I don’t already know- what are your plans for Saturday night after graduation? Will your family be here? Please reply to this email with answers to these questions.

I have your pictures in my office with signed frames for those who could not make it to the closing brunch.

Make sure I have transferred your VISA to the college you will attend. If you have not communicated which school you will go next year I will complete your VISA status on June 10th.

Getting very exciting! I am sad to see you go but very proud of your achievement.
Bridget M. Choo
Director of Diversity

Ultimate Cancelled

Due to the heavy rain and lightning expected to be in the area at 5 pm, there will be no Ultimate this evening.

I’m interested in hearing from anybody who would like to be part of a competitive Williston Ultimate Club, which would play a few other teams in the evenings (after sports) and/or on Sundays in the Spring of 2013. (The pick-up games will continue, but will be for a broader group of players.)

Thanks to all you Seniors who contributed to the Tuesday and Thursday night fun over the past few months. Play in college—or wherever you may be.

Ben T.

Staff Meeting

On Tuesday, June 5th, there will be an all employee meeting at 2:00 PM in the Cox Room.

For those of you who participate in faculty meetings, the same information will be presented


Kathy Ouimette
Human Resources Coordinator