Daily Announcements from Williston Northampton

Packing and Shipping

Wed May 30th……12-4pm
Thurs May 31st……10am-4pm
To help us plan packing and shipping of our stuff, the UPS Store will be here from 12-4pm tomorrow, and 10am-4pm on Thursday. Come check it out for prices. Get your stuff together tonight, and during dorm cleanup 3-5pm on Wednesday. We will have it on the bottom floor of Reed this year.

Tonight’s Attire

Update: Due to the expected high temperatures this evening, dress shorts that are at least at mid-thigh or longer in length are appropriate attire for boys this evening.

The Academic Awards Ceremony takes place on Tuesday, May 29, at 6:30 p.m. in the Athletic Center. The event will be webcast, so we hope you are able to join us in celebrating the year’s achievements. Families are reminded that the school will be photographing the event so they can enjoy the ceremony without worrying about taking their own pictures. Please note that this is a required event for all students, and dress is formal (school day plus: no jeans or sneakers).

Kathryn M. Noble
Dean of Students

Writing Center Hours This Week

It’s hard to believe that the final week is here!  We are excited to support you as you put the finishing touches on the trimester’s work.

The Writing Center will be open every evening this week for study hall (7:45 p.m. to 9:45 p.m.).  We will be open during the day by appointment only, so please email me to make a time.

Congratulations on the many pages you have written this year!
Finish strong!


Williston Northampton hosted its third successful blood drive of the year on Saturday, May 26th.  Despite an exceptionally warm day, and a delay at the start, 74 members of the Williston Northampton School and the greater Easthampton community made donations. Because eight of those donors contributed “double red cells” our total donations grew to 82.  That means that as many as 246 people will get a second chance because of the hard work and generosity of many people.

Special thanks go to seniors Adrian Mendoza and Alex Nunnelly.  Together with Mr. Spearing they put together a tremendous team of student and parent volunteers.  Their terrific recruiting campaign and organizational effort made the difference in all three blood drives this year.

Congratulations and thank you to Williston!

Plates, Glasses, Flatware

As the end of the school year draws near and you start packing to head home please be on the lookout for any plates, glasses or flatware that may be attempting to stowaway in your luggage in hopes of finding greener pastures beyond the hallowed walls of Williston.  The more that are returned to the dining hall the easier and more efficiently we will be able to serve the many guests we expect to see over Commencement and Reunion Weekend.
Thanks for your help in this matter,

Mr. Martin

Less Cancer, More Birthdays

Almost everyone has been touched by cancer in some way. As you all probably know by now, the community service club has been (and is STILL) selling Zuzzy’s cookie dough to support The Miracle Walkers. The Miracle Walkers ( Relay for Life team) will be walking in the 2012 Hampshire County Relay for Life led by team captain Alex Nunnelly. Now we’re trying something new..

At lunch this week, we will have a big poster board and on it we’re hoping to have all of the members of the Williston community write down the names of loved ones that are fighting, have survived, or have lost their battle with cancer. We will display this board at our tent on the day of the Relay and walk in remembrance and in support of those who’s names YOU all have signed on this poster board.

Thank you so much,
Hannah Lewis

Final Pick-Up Ultimate Game

For those of you who could use an hour or so to get some exercise and blow off steam in the midst of assessments…

Final Pick-Up Ultimate Game of the School Year
This Evening (Tuesday) at 5 pm* on Sawyer Field  (unless thunder and lightening are in the area)

I’ll try to make sure we have enough fields set up so that the games don’t get too crowded.

*The time of the pick-up Ultimate game has been changed to 5 pm.  (We will end by 6, so please get there right at 5.)