Daily Announcements from Williston Northampton

Go Zip-Lining at Berkshire East on Sunday

Grab some brunch and then head out to a canopy tour of the Berkshire mountains by zip-line! Williston has a reduced rate of $85 per person. (If you are worried about the cost, please speak with Matt Spearing.)

Please sign up on the Activities Board in Reed next to the Activities Office or send Mr. Spearing an email expressing your interest. He needs to know by Thursday afternoon to fill out the waivers. Limited space available. The trip runs from 11:30-3:30 p.m.

Teller Chorus on Sept. 15 at 6:30 p.m.

Good evening Williston Community!

Teller Chorus, Williston’s mixed (guys and girls) choral ensemble will begin rehearsals tomorrow evening at 6:30 p.m.! This ensemble is open to all students, faculty, and staff across campus, and no previous singing experience is required. We sing a variety of choral literature from all genres including classical, modern, and pop. Rehearsals are every Monday evening from 6:30 – 7:30 p.m., and being present at the majority of rehearsals is extremely important due to the fact that we only rehearse once a week.

Even if you are unsure if you want to join, I hope you will consider coming to our first rehearsal tomorrow night. We rehearse in the Chorus Room in Reed Campus Center, room 213. If you have any concerns or questions, please feel free to email me or ask any of the current Caterwaulers and Widdigers.

I hope to see many of you there!

All the best,
Mr. Harper

Writing Center Hours This Week: BLUE WEEK 9/14-9/21

It’s the first Blue Week of the year!  Put your best foot forward with these beginning assignments…maybe a visit to the Writing Center would be a good idea!

Every Sunday, I will send you the Writing Center hours for the week.  There is no need to sign up…just drop by!  We love all writing questions, big and small.  Student tutors will be trained on Tuesday afternoon, so be sure to come and see them starting Wednesday.

Here are the hours for this week:

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Weekend Activities Sep 12-14

You can sign up for off-campus trips on the Activities Board in Reed on the same floor as the campus store.

Weekend Activities
September 12-14
Off-Campus Trips meet faculty at the Schoolhouse

·       Friday September 12

o   Convocation and Class Dinners 5:30 p.m.

o   Open Reed 7:30-10:45 p.m. Transformers: Dark of the Moon w/ popcorn

o   Open Gym 7:45-10:50 p.m.

o   Shuttle #1 to Northampton Depart 7:45 p.m.- Return 10:15 p.m.

o   Shuttle #2 to Northampton Depart 7:45 p.m.- Return 10:15 p.m.

·       Saturday September 13

o   Wildcats Girls Varsity Soccer vs. Worcester @ 7 p.m.

o   2nd Annual Folk Music Festival @ Reed w/ grilling, s’mores, and drinks 8-10:30 p.m.

o   Open Reed w/ showing Anchorman 2 with popcorn

o   Open Gym 7:15-10:45 p.m.

o   Northampton Shuttle 7:15-10:45 p.m.

o   Chinese Mid-Autumn Festival to Sakura Buffet 6 p.m.

·       Sunday September 14

o   Open Reed 1-5 p.m. NFL on the big screen in Stu Bop w/ pizza and wings

o   Open Gym 1:15-5:15 p.m.

o   The Big E fair 1-5 p.m.   Check out a New England tradition! Rides, games, animals, food!

§  http://www.thebige.com/fair/activities/activities.asp

o   Holyoke Mall Trip 1-5 p.m.

If you sign up for weekend activities, you are expected to attend.  If you do not attend, and do not alert Mr. Spearing, the faculty chaperone, or the Dean on Duty prior to the event you will lose weekend privileges the following week.

Dance Ensemble Auditions This Week

Hello Everyone!

As promised, here is the information you’ll need for Dance Ensemble Auditions this week. All meetings are in the Dance Studio, Reed Center. Advisors, if you have an advisee who might be interested in auditioning, please pass this information along in Advisee Meetings.

Monday, 9/8: Information Meeting.  3:45 – 5:00. No need to change clothes. Be prepared for discussion, ask questions, etc. More information will be provided on attire and other expectations at this meeting.

Tuesday: 9/9: Movement Audition (Contemporary.) 3:45 – 5:15. Warm-up and Combination. Please be changed into dance/movement clothing. Be ready to start at 3:45.

Wednesday, 9/10: Movement Audition, Ballet Barre and Combination. 2:00 – 3:30.

Thursday, 9/11: Movement Audition. Contemporary and Jazz. 3:45 – 5:15.

Friday, 9/12: Student Choreographer Audition. 3:15 – 4:45. Students wishing to prepare pieces for fall performance should prepare material. More on this at our meeting tomorrow.

Looking forward to seeing you all there tomorrow! Please let me know if you have any questions.

See you soon,

Writing Center News

New items this year in the Writing Center:

·       A Williston Writing Manual with sections for each of the disciplines
·       A Middle School program that connects Writing Center tutors with the Middle School during the “help” period at the end of the day
·       A defined connection with Tina Berghoff to help identify students who need additional support in writing and language skills

Some reminders:  The Writing Center is open for most of the class day and for evening study hall.  Tutors are being trained next week, so we’ll be working with full hours by next Wednesday.  We offer short (around 15-20 pain-free minutes) one-on-one consultations for writers at any level and at any stage of the writing process.  Students are welcome to drop by or to make an appointment by emailing writing@williston.com or, in a week or so, by signing up on our web calendar.  I send the schedule out each Sunday.

During the day:
Come visit us!  If it is not periods B, E, or F, I am likely to be there.  If you know you need to meet at a specific time, just email me and we will set something up.

During the night:
We are open every night for evening study hall from 7:45 p.m. to 9:45 p.m.  Isn’t that fabulous?

Some reminders:

·      ANYONE can use the Writing Center!
·      Your question can be BIG (“Please help me improve this US History paper!  It’s horrible and I’m freaking out!”) or small (“Can you decipher my teacher’s scrawl on page four?”).
·      You DO NOT need an appointment!  Later, we will have a fancy sign-up system which you can use if that’s your thing.  We love it when people drop by.
·      The Writing Center is on the second floor of the library.  There is a candy jar.
·      EVERYONE benefits from help with writing.
·      You will not be the only one going to the Writing Center.  We see over 1,000 visits each year.  Why not you?

That’s all for now, except a big “thank you” in advance to my tireless tutors!

We hope to see you soon in the Writing Center!

Sarah and the Writing Center Staff

Monday Afternoon Program Schedule

Afternoon Program Schedule

Everyone should be dressed ready to participate, if you are not signed up or wish to change your choice please email Mr. Grant or see him at the Athletic Center.

Football –                        Those back for preseason 3:45 on Sawyer Field
Others 3:45 in small bleachers at Sawyer Field

Field Hockey –                 Those back for preseason – 3:45 on the field
Others in the gym lobby at 3:45

Soccer –                         Those back for preseason on the field at 3:45
Those back for preseason on the field at 3:45
All others (including Middle Schoolers) meet in
Large bleachers at Sawyer Field at 3:45

Cross Country –              Girls – Meet at front steps of the gym at 3:45
Boys – Meet behind the Athletic Center at 3:45

Water Polo –                   Meet at the pool at 3:45

Volleyball –                      Meet on the volleyball courts at 3:45

Crew –                           Meet in front of Reed Center at 3:15

Fitness (Athletic Performance)  Meet in front of the fitness center at 3:45

Instructional Tennis –       Meet behind the gym at 3:45
(Bring your racquet)

Dance –                          Meet in the dance studio in the Reed Campus Center
at 3:45 for auditions

Horseback Riding            Meet in front Reed Center at 3:30

Technical Theater –          Meet at the theater at 3:45

Art & Music Intensives – Meet with Mr. Demerath & Ms. White at 3:45 in the
Reed Center Room 211

Robotics –                       Meet at the Tech Center in the basement of Mem at 3:45

Convocation on Sept. 12

Convocation will be held in the Quad on Friday, September 12 at 5:30 p.m. Students should be in formal dress (coat and tie for boys, no tennis shoes, and dresses or dress pants for girls). Senior Class Dinner will be held in the Birch Dining Commons following Convocation and should conclude by 8:15 p.m. Class dinners will be held for the 9th (Dodge Room, Reed Campus Center), 10th (Athletic Center Lobby), and 11th grade (Lower Level of the Reed Campus Center), and those students should be available for pick-up by 7:15 p.m.