Daily Announcements from Williston Northampton

Diversity Conference 2014 Schedule


Thursday, February 13, 2014

7:45-9:45 p.m. Screening of Girl Rising Athletic Center (All Invited)

Friday, February 14, 2014

8:30 a.m.  Spoken Word: “Suicide or Homicide.” The Power of Words by Verdi Degbey ’16

Opening and Welcome by the Diversity Committee Co-Chairs A’Kala Chaires ’14 and Maranie Harris Kuiper ‘15

8:45 – 9:25 a.m. Keynote Address by Heather Schultz ’72, P’14
Empowering MEdia
Why do I think and act the way I do? It’s all about you! Let’s explore how to be “ME” and at my best more often so that you can be empowered to be a valuable contributor to your family, the Williston community, and the world.

About Heather Schultz ’72, P’14:

Ms. Schultz originally went to Northampton Schools for Girls and was in the first class of the combined Williston Northampton School. The girl’s dorm was the Gilbert House, since it was a very small class. She was a part of the theater crowd and studied with the remarkable Dick Gregory. After graduating she attended the legendary Actors Studio in New York, prior to going for her Masters at the Kellogg Graduate School of Management (Northwestern University).

Schultz is a Vice President of Senn Delaney and coaches business CEO’s and their teams. Heather had previously served as an executive at Save the Children and as president of the Tom Peters Company. Heather has also served as global head of marketing for Andersen Consulting, now Accenture.

A noted author, public speaker and philanthropist, Heather brings a global perspective and a passion for humanity to her work. She has been acknowledged her as one of “The World’s Top 50 Speakers,” Her books include Online Learning Today: Strategies That Work, with John Fogarty, and Dance Lessons: Six Steps to Great Partnerships in Business and Life, with Dr. Chip Bell.

Most importantly she is Bianca’s mom.

9:30- 11:30 a.m. Morning Session

Mark Wiggins from I Will Defend
Athletic Center

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February 14-16

Weekend Activities

Sign up for off-campus trips at Activities Office in Reed.


Friday, February 14

  • Boys Varsity Basketball Home vs. Berkshire 6 p.m.
  • Open gym 7-10:45 p.m.                                  Ted Matthias
  • Open Reed showing the Olympics 7:15-10:45 p.m.  Bob Bagley
  • Northampton Shuttle 7:15-10:45 p.m.       Kim Evelti
  • Fan Van to Deerfield for Boys Varsity Hockey 6:30 p.m. departure Claire Frierson

Saturday, February 15

  • Open Gym 7-10:45 p.m.   Claire Frierson
  • Williston Winter Ball in Birch Dining Commons 7-11 p.m. Kyle Hanford, Sarah Sawyer, Winston Miller

Sunday, February 16

  • Open Gym 1-5 p.m.                                                            Brian Crockett
  • Open Reed showing Winter Olympics 1:15-5:15 p.m.  Adrienne Mantegna
  • Holyoke Mall 1-5 p.m., mini bus 1                                  Libby Anderson
  • Trip to the Movies 12:15-4 p.m., mini bus 2                Harris Thompson
  • Community Service Conference                                      Spearing

Have fun and take care of each other.

Failure to show up for an Activity you signed up for without notifying the Dean on Duty, or the faculty chaperone will result in a unit and loss of weekend privileges.

Writing Center Hours This Week: GREEN WEEK 2/9-2/16

Diversity Conference is this Friday, so take note of your work for the week!

And…Friday is also Valentine’s Day, so make sure to say “I love you” to your favorite Writing Center tutor!
Here are the Writing Center hours this week:

7:45 p.m. to 9:45 p.m. (study hall)

8:30 a.m. to 11:50 a.m. (D, F, C)
12:30 p.m. to 2:40 p.m. (E2, B)
7:45 p.m. to 9:45 p.m. (study hall)

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​It’s nearly February 14th, and that means CANDYGRAMS!!

The Junior class is holding a Valentine’s day fundraiser selling candygrams which will be available to buy at lunch today, Tuesday, and Wednesday.
They will be sold for $1.50 and a portion of profits will go to supporting the American Heart Association.

Send one to a friend, teacher, advisor, or send one anonymously!

The candygrams will be delivered to boarders on Thursday night and day students and teachers should keep a look out in their mailboxes on Friday, Valentine’s Day!

Have a happy Valentine’s Day!
Your Junior class council

Math Resource Center Hours T2

Just wanted to remind you to take advantage of the great extra help opportunities that are awaiting you with the Math Resource Center tutors.  Whether you need to go over a few homework questions or study for a quiz, stop by and get the extra support you need!  The schedule is attached.
As a reminder, Friday is the Diversity Conference so everyone will be immersed in the activities taking place that day.
Have a great GREEN week!
Ms. Anderson
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Birch Dining Commons Menu: Feb. 9-15

Pancakes, warm apple crisp, home fries, ham,  vegetable and cheese frittata, make your own waffles with toppings, assorted omelets and eggs at grill, blueberry muffins, coffee cake

Italian style chicken, cheese tortellini, Spaghetti, tomato sauce, alfredo sauce, meatballs, nonmeat/veggie balls, catalina island blend vegetables, create your own Panini-assorted deli meats, assorted  vegetables, feta cheese and ciabatta bread

French toast, sausage, yogurt bar, make your own waffle, rice, assorted eggs at the grill

Cream of broccoli and French onion soup, open-face toasted sandwich with grilled eggplant, tomato, red pepper pesto and provolone cheese, open faced toasted sandwich with chicken, tomato, fresh basil and provolone cheese, Portobello mushrooms with spinach and vegetables, scandanavian blend vegetable
Pasta bar: Cheese stuffed rigatoni, marinara sauce, garlic sauce and  steamed broccoli

BBQ pulled pork, southern style tilapia fillet, cole slaw, macaroni and cheese, baked sweet potato, sautéed mixed greens, hush puppie
Pasta station: Pasta,  marinara sauce, alfredo sauce

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13th Annual Muji Muhammad 3-on-3 Basketball Tournament on Feb. 28

The 13th Annual Muji Muhammad 3-on-3 Basketball Tournament will be held on Friday afternoon, February 28, at the Athletic Center. The following is information about the tournament, about signing up for the tournament, and about Muji 13 t-shirts.

The Muji 3-on-3 tournament is open to all in the Williston community.  The rules are: three players on a team; team must be co-ed; no more than one varsity basketball player per team (male or female); no more than one faculty or staff member per team.  It is a single elimination tournament (seeding is done by a “secret” committee).  Games are played to 11, “straight up,” with alternating possessions.  Volunteer referees will referee the games.

Students and faculty can sign up by Matt Sawyer an email with the team members and team name by Tuesday, February 25 at 10:00 p.m.

Students and faculty who would like to buy a Muji 13 t-shirt can either email Matt Sawyer with the color and size or stop by my office on the English floor (#36) during a free period.  Mr. Sawyer will have different sizes of shirts there to try on.

Please order your shirt between now and Monday, February 17.  Cost is $10 per shirt, and you can pay cash or with your card when you receive your shirt. You can order a royal blue shirt with gold writing or a gold shirt with royal blue writing. Any profit will go towards supporting this year’s baseball trip to Florida. You do not have to order one a tee-shirt to play in the tournament, and you can order one and not play in the tournament.

Green Cup Challenge Video Contest

Remember that video in assembly last week? – the one of me running around and turning off lights and unplugging things and eating carrots?

That video has been submitted into the Video Contest as a part of the Green Cup Challenge! Other schools that are also participating in the Green Cup Challenge have submitted a video, like ours, into the contest.

The way that we win the video challenge is by your vote! So, please – if you want to vote – go to this link:


If you want to see all the videos entered into the competition, go to this link:


Thanks a lot!! Every vote counts!

Nick Pattison 🙂
Sustainable Life Club!