Results of Le Grand Concours 2014

Below are the final results of the French Concours Test, taken back in February.  The awards will be given for the Upper Schoolers this Saturday. There are those who placed in the Western Mass and Vermont Chapter, those who placed nationally, and some who placed in both.

-Adeleen Brown

Le Grand Concours 2014
National French Contest

Nationwide participation: 93,718 students

LEVEL 01A (7th grade):

Claire Harrison THIRD place in Western Massachusetts & Vermont

Julia Cavanaugh SEVENTH place in Western Massachusetts & Vermont
Aidan McCreary

LEVEL 1A (French I):

Jesse Cassuto THIRD place in Western Massachusetts & Vermont, 10th in nation

Grace Quisenberry SEVENTH place in Western Massachusetts & Vermont

LEVEL 2A (French II and II Honors)

Beatrice Fogleman FOURTH place in Western Massachusetts & Vermont, 9th in nation

Matthew Carney FIFTH place in Western Massachusetts & Vermont, 10th in nation

Anna Wilinsky SIXTH place in Western Massachusetts & Vermont

Alara Akisik EIGHTH place in Western Massachusetts & Vermont

LEVEL 2B (French II Honors—attended a French school):

Harrison Shea THIRD place in Western Massachusetts & Vermont, 8th in nation

LEVEL 3A (French III and III Honors):

Caroline Borden FIRST place in Western Massachusetts & Vermont, 4th in nation

Josephine King SECOND place in Western Massachusetts & Vermont, 5th in nation

Emma Kaisla THIRD place in Western Massachusetts & Vermont, 6th in nation

Margaret White FOURTH place in Western Massachusetts & Vermont, 7th in nation

Lilia Ferez Esparza NINTH place in Western Massachusetts & Vermont

LEVEL 4A (French V Honors):

Umi Keezing FIRST place in Western Massachusetts & Vermont, 9th in nation

Matthew Steinberg SECOND place in Western Massachusetts & Vermont, 10th in nation

Brenna Quirk FOURTH place in Western Massachusetts & Vermont

Emily Sillars SEVENTH place in Western Massachusetts & Vermont
LEVEL 5C (AP French Language—Native Speaker):

William Flynn FIRST place in Western Massachusetts & Vermont, 3rd in nation

Tara Sarper SECOND place in Western Massachusetts & Vermont, 9th in nation

Giuseppe Teresi FIFTH place in Western Massachusetts & Vermont

Jonathan Labrecque SIXTH place in Western Massachusetts & Vermont


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