Second Food Drive Update

Hi again Williston!

We hope that you are having an excellent weekend!  The second round of food collection results are in!

Sweeping up the lead is the Freshmen Class with an outstanding 231 donations!

Second is the Middle School with a total of 111 donations!

Dropping into third is the Junior Class with 54 donations!

Behind them is the Sophomore Class with a total of 38 donations!

The Faculty/Staff team is holding onto fifth with 35 donations!

And coming in last for the second collection is the Senior Class with a total of 28 donations!

Food Collection total collection

As a community, this means that we have collected 497 items to donate to the Food Bank of Western Massachusetts!  That is only 3 items from our goal of 500!

The Food Drive will be finishing this Thursday, December 17th!  Between now and then, how many more items can we raise?  

Best of luck to your team and thank you so much for participating in the Food Drive!

-The Community Service Club and Student Council

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