Student Council Minutes: Oct. 9

Here are the Minutes for the last student council meeting!
-Loren Po

Student Council Minutes
October 9, 2012
Parent’s Association Conference Room
NEXT MEETING: Tuesday, October 23, 6:30 p.m.

1. Call To Order – 6:30 p.m.
a. By Matt Freire
b. Secretary – Loren Po

2. Attendance
a. Present: Matt Freire, Maddy Stern, Bianca Schultz, Gabby Thomas, Loren Po, Mr. Kudla, Mr. Matthias
b. Absent: Oliver Demers, Ryan Wilkie

3. Old Business
a. Fundraisers – Maddy Stern and Matt Freire
i. No change or advancements were made.

b. Powderpuff – Matt Freire
i. It was determined that a change of name was no longer needed.

ii. Powderpuff has been progressing smoothly with one practice already accomplished. Same as before, we will still try to organize the tailgate dinner as well as the pre-game competitions. It has been determined that Powderpuff will be on October 21st, but the
time of the game is still undecided. We also discussed the idea of a faculty referee.

iii. We will be organizing the pre-game contests for Freshmen and Sophomores, as well as figuring out what the contests will include.

c. Spirit Week – Matt Freire
i. We now have a schedule for our plans for School Spirit Week:

1. Monday: This day will be a day dedicated to dressing from past decades (within dress code). We will hold a survey for each grade to decide which decade they would represent.

2. Tuesday: This will be a whole-school theme day. We will be sending a survey to the whole school to decide what theme to represent. Some examples of themes are twin day,
pajamas, mismatch, crazy hair and movie characters.

3. Wednesday: Since most students dress up on Wednesday for sports games, we decided that this day would be a “dress-up” day. The whole school would dress up in formal wear to show our school spirit.

4. Thursday: This will be a normal school day in anticipation of Friday.

5. Friday: During the week, we plan to have special school spirit week shirts available for the school. We are proposing to the Dean that on Friday, you will be able to dress down in
this shirt (and no other t-shirt alternative). To end the day, we will have a bonfire including music, a slideshow, and possibly s’mores as treats. Because it will be during Parents’ Weekend, parents will be invited!

ii. Also, throughout the week, each class will be decorating a banner to celebrate school spirit. Students would be encouraged to draw and decorate these banners as much as possible.

d. Senior Leadership Committee – Mr. Kudla
i. The Student Council is still trying to determine the benefits and purpose of the Senior Leadership Committee.

ii. Mr. Kudla and Mr. Matthias will try to get more information about this issue from Ms. Noble and report back during our next meeting.

e. Student Bill of Rights – Matt Freire
i. As we are still trying to form a draft of this “Bill of Rights”, we plan to look at bills of rights from other students and build off of those ideas.

f. The Suggestion Box – Matt Freire
i. As before, the suggestion box is still in the campus store. This box is very important to the Student Council because we base our decisions off of the suggestions in this box.

ii. We encourage anyone with any suggestions to use this box. There will be several reminders about its use and location.

4. New Business
a. Student Elections – Matt Freire
i. The presidential elections are coming closer and we support the decision to vote for the upcoming president. We will ask the Political Awareness Club to help organize these elections. We plan to have the elections during advisory meetings.

ii. We will be contacting the Political Awareness Club for help with organizing these elections.

b. Dances – Matt Freire
i. Although we will not be forming a Dance Committee, we ask that students volunteer to help out Mr. Spearing during dances. He not only organizes the dances but cleans up afterwards as well. For this reason, we ask that students volunteer to help clean up after
the dances. Also, the Activities Committee is very involved in the creation and organization of the dances. If you would like to contribute to the next dance idea, you are welcome to join the

Activities Committee.
c. Ultimate Frisbee – Matt Freire
i. The Student council has discussed the idea of having ultimate Frisbee become a legitimate spring sport. We might combine this group with fitness and hold practices at Galbraith.

ii. Although there has been opposition, we will be looking at other schools and how they made ultimate Frisbee into a sport.

NEXT MEETING: Tuesday, October 23, 6:30 p.m. in the Parents’ Association conference room.

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