Student vs. Faculty Soccer Game next Monday

Do you want to play in the Student vs. Faculty soccer game on Monday, November 17 from 6-7 p.m.? If so, check with your winter coaches to see if you’ll be available. Please let me know you are in, and what position you would like to play. The deadline to sign up is this Friday at 3:30 p.m.

This is open to any Upper School student and faculty who want to play.  Both teams will have five male and five female players on the field at all times, plus a goalie of the coach’s choice.

We’ll be playing two 25-minute halves on Sawyer Field. This game will be played in the spirit of sportsmanship and having community fun. Thanks to Mr. Rutherford and Ms. Chambers for being the commentators.

I’m looking forward to hearing from you soon, and we’ll see you on Sawyer Field. Go Wildcats!

Mr. Spearing

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