Sunday Outdoor Club Outing – 1pm to 4pm at Mt. Holyoke

The hike on Sunday (1pm – 4pm) will be at Mt. Holyoke. Hiking shoes are not necessary. Although a short hike, I recommend bringing a water bottle and a small snack (energy/granola bar). We’ll be leaving in front of the Schoolhouse promptly at 1pm.

Click here for the Massachusetts Department of Conservation and Recreation (DCR) website.

Here is the planned route; it should take approximately 1.5 to 2 hours round trip – I consider this an easy (leaning towards moderate) hike (the first half is uphill; the second half is mostly flat).




The area is rich with history; allegedly members of Shay’s rebellion hid out at the “Horse Caves” after their failed attempt at insurrection. Here are some good websites for background information on Shay’s Rebellion.

On Calliope
On Wikipedia

Joseph Lorenzatti
Technology Director


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