Veterans Day

Dear Community:

Many of us have relatives who have served or are serving in the armed forces, and while we are hosting our annual Open House for prospective students and their families, I hope you find time today to reflect on those who have made our lives better through their sacrifice.

Veterans Day has special meaning in a year where so many men and women are serving overseas, and again, there are more than a few in the greater Williston family for whom this day holds even greater significance.

I have a friend who was on the Marine Honor Guard at Arlington Cemetery back in the day, and I know that I will reach out to him with a short note of thanks and appreciation.

So on this day of national memory and pride, pause, reflect, and give thanks.

Finally, let’s make sure everyone is open and welcoming to our guests on campus and give our visitors a lasting impression of what makes our school such a special place.

Hail to Williston Northampton!

Mr. Hill

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