Williston Scholars Classes for 2014-15

I wanted to pass along some information about the six Williston Scholars classes we’re excited to be offering next year. The Williston Scholars program aims to provide students who are passionate about a subject with the opportunity to engage in a trimester of rigorous study with a Williston faculty member and collaborators from the local colleges followed by a trimester of directed project work. Below you’ll find descriptions of the programs and who’s eligible for them. If you’d like any further info you can feel free to email me or contact the teacher of the course you’re interested in.

Have a great week!
Kimberly Zern Evelti
Associate Academic Dean

 Williston Scholars Registration Information, 2014-15

Williston has been building its Williston Scholars program over the past few years. The program aims to provide students who are passionate about a subject with the opportunity to engage in a trimester of rigorous study with a Williston faculty member and collaborators from the local colleges followed by a trimester of directed project work. We’ve had great success with the program in its first few years and are excited to offer six courses next year. The courses are described in detail in our course catalog (www.williston.com/courses) and are summarized below.

Students wishing to enroll in these courses should sign up for them with their advisors on the regular course registration form (due May 14). After requests are collected the teachers will contact the students about their eligibility for the program and may require students to submit an application depending on enrollment and the prerequisites of the program. Students must enroll in the full length of the program.

Fine & Performing Arts: Contemporary Art & Culture (T2 – T3)
Ms. Hume
Open to experienced fine and performing artists interested in learning about contemporary art and creating their own independent project work.

History: Sports Studies (T2 – T3)
Mr. McKillop
Open to advanced history students with a passion and interest in the historical impact that sports has had on society.

English: Writers Workshop (T1 – T2)
Ms. Mantegna
Open to seniors with a passion for writing and desire to learn from accomplished authors as they create their own written works. It this course is taken in addition to Senior English or AP English.

History & English: Literature & History of the Elizabethan Era (T2 – T3)
Ms. Klumpp and Ms. Sawyer
Open to juniors and seniors interested in exploring the history of this fascinating era of history through reading and writing. This course fulfills the senior English elective requirement or a History elective. It may be taken in addition to AP English.

Science: Advanced Integrated Science (Independently Scheduled, 1 credit)
Mr. Berghoff
Open to students planning to enroll in an AP Science course in 2014-15 (Physics, Biology, Chemistry, Environmental Science, or Psychology) with interest in interdisciplinary case study work. Students will work in teams over the course of the year and will replace one of their AP science commitments with the program following the AP exams in May. Students need only request the AP science course and will be contacted about whether or not they would like to be considered for the program.

Language: Contemporary Linguistics (T2-T3)
Ms. Ram
Open to juniors and seniors that have studied at least two years of a language, whether it be at Williston or elsewhere (students with English as a foreign language are encouraged to apply.) This course will introduce students to the study of human language and communication.

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