Williston Scholars Info

Thanks for your attention this morning! Have a great day!
Ms. Evelti

Williston Scholars
· Courses for this year:

Williston Scholars History, Ms. Klumpp, Period G
Williston Scholars Performing Arts, Ms. Ditkovski with Mr. Raffetto, Period E

Williston Scholars English (for AP English 12 seniors and all juniors), Ms. Mantegna, Period B
Williston Scholars Science, Mr. Pelliccia, Period D
Williston Scholars Visual Arts, Ms. Hume, Mr. Roe, & Mr. Hing, Period C

· Williston scholars program consists of trimester elective classes for juniors, seniors, (and sometimes motivated sophomores,) where teachers guide a group of students through their own individual trimester-long projects using our resources and those available to us in the greater community, including those at the Five Colleges.
· Replaces what used to be “directed studies” and “senior projects” in the English, History, Visual & Performing Arts, and Science Departments.
· Instead of the teachers picking the topics for the courses as they did in previous years’ scholars courses, students bring their ideas to the teacher.
· The courses are Honors and are graded, giving you the GPA bump like other honors and AP courses. Exemplary projects are also honored at Graduation or the Academic Awards Ceremony.
· To sign up, tell your advisor! You need to add this to your T2 /T3 course confirmation form if you’d like to add the course this year.
· You don’t need to show up to the first day of class with a fully formed idea, just a passion for the subject and the eagerness to immerse yourself in a project for a whole term.
· Might want to do this, but unsure? Bring me or the scholars teacher in your subject your questions!

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