Williston’s Mock Election Final Results

Just before the Long Weekend 214 Williston Northampton students cast ballots in a mock election.  This activity was part of the V.O.T.E.S. (Voting Opportunities for Teenagers in Every State) program run by Northfield Mount Hermon School.  More than 54,000 high school students in 63 schools all over the U.S. participated (although because of Storm Sandy, no New Jersey schools were able to turn in results).  Students were asked to vote for a Presidential candidate and to respond to several issue questions.

Northfield announced the results Sunday; they’re listed below, along with Williston’s results.

Thanks to everyone who participated!

Richard Teller ’70
Archivist & Asst. Librarian

V.O.T.E.S. 2012 Final Results: Summary, November 4, 2012                                            All Participating Schools | Williston Northampton

Electoral Votes:

Barack Obama 316 | N/A
Mitt Romney  208 | N/A

Note that due to Storm Sandy the New Jersey Schools sent in no votes, so those 14 electoral votes were not distributed.

Popular Votes and Percentages

Barack Obama (Democratic)

27,107;  50.2% | 142; 66.4%

Mitt Romney (Republican)
22,252;  41.2% |  63; 29.4%

Gary Johnson (Libertarian)
2,206; 4.1% |  5;  2.3%

Jill Stein (Green)
1,314;  2.4% |  3;  1.4%

Virgil Goode (Constitution)
508; 0.9%  | 0; 0.0%

650; 1.2%  | 1; 0.5%

Total Votes Cast         54,037 | 214

Issues Poll

All Schools Response is based on about 23,500 student responses from 62 schools. Williston Response is the actual number of people responding to each question.

1. The Supreme Court ruling in Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission allows corporations, unions, and “super PACs” to spend as much money as they want to support or oppose political candidates.  Do you support or oppose this ruling?       (Approximation)

Support          7,990; 34.0% | 52; 28.7%

Oppose           15,510; 66.0% | 129; 71.3%

2. The controversial Keystone Pipeline would bring fossil fuels extracted from sand and shale resources in western Canada across the mid-section of the US to refineries in Texas, creating numerous economic benefits while also potentially having serious environmental consequences.  Do you agree or disagree that the pipeline should go forward?

Agree              49.0% | 64; 35.3%

Disagree                     51.0% | 117; 64.6%

3. What is the best way for the United States to prevent the development of nuclear weapons in Iran and North Korea?

Economic sanctions   4,465; 19.0% | 56; 32.0%

UN diplomacy            6,110;  26.0% | 36; 20.6%

US-led military action           4,700; 20.0% |  3; 1.7%

Positive incentives (for example, food for North Korea in exchange for a shutdown of nuclear weapons development)  8,225; 35.0% | 80; 45.7%

4. In your opinion, what is the best way to reduce the federal budget deficit?

Raise taxes on Americans earning more than $250,000 per year
6,110;  26.0% | 57; 31.7%

Reduce taxes to spur economic growth while strategically cutting federal spending  11,045; 47.0% | 59; 32.8%

Combine tax increases with federal spending cuts
6,345; 27.0% | 64; 35.6%

5. Would you support a Federal Marriage Amendment to the Constitution defining marriage as between one man and one woman?

Yes      9,165; 39.0% | 44; 23.4%

No       14,335; 61.0% | 144; 76.6%

6. Do you think it is the responsibility of the federal government to make sure all Americans have health care coverage?

Yes      13,395; 57.0% | 126; 69.2%

No       10,105; 43.0% | 56; 30.8%

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