Winter Perspective

For those of you who are sick of winter, I offer the following:

  • We have gained 1 hour and 32 minutes of daylight since the shortest day of the season
  • Sunny mornings are dawning with the accompaniment of songs by cardinals, nuthatches, chickadees, and sparrows
  • The average daily temperature (historically speaking) has begun to rise
  • Black bear cubs are being born all around western Massachusetts
  • The NCAA basketball tournament starts in slightly over a month
  • Red-winged blackbirds will be showing up any week now
  • Spring Break starts in less than a month and will last a good three weeks this year!
  • The Red Sox equipment truck and pitchers and catchers have arrived in Florida for spring training.
  • I’ll be tapping my maple trees within the next week

Hang in there!

Benjamin F. Thompson, LICSW, BCD
Director of Psychological Counseling Services

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